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Quickest way to start a VM whilst in full screen mode in another

Hi all,

I've tried looking through the documentation for the answer but can't find it. Am hoping that perhaps I can draw upon the experience of the group for this one.

My use case: I'm working in full screen mode in a particular VM, then need for one reason or another to start another VM. For me this happens quite a bit... an e-mail will come in asking about a certain software feature and then I want to fire up the VM that has the specific software version installed, to test it.

How I do it now:

1. Restore the current VM (exit full screen mode, CTRL-ALT-ENTER),

2. Click on the tab for the other VM I want to start (or open it, if it's not there... mostly it is there),

3. Power up the virtual machine,

4. Put the started VM into full screen mode (if it doesn't go automatically),

5. Then use the --> in the full screen toolbar from the started VM to go back to the first VM whilst the second one boots up.

I'm kind of hoping some key stroke combo that can get me from running VM to the manager with tabs and vice versa instead of the multi-step process?


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4 Replies

Full screen mode only ever shows running VMs, so there isn't a way to do what you're asking. Have you tried quick switch mode? It's similar, but gives you access to the tabs and Workstation's menu and toolbar.


This is what I do in Windows 7. Not sure if it works in other OS's:

1) Move to the top of the screen so that the VM Menu shows.

2) Alt Tab to another application

3) Hover over the task bar and select the VM that I want to switch to (it needs to already be open)

4) Resume the VM. It will restart in full screen mode.

Maybe a bit easier than your approach.

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I had seen quick-switch mode, but I think I also read that the best graphics/video performance comes when in full screen mode, which is why I avoided using it. I guess I can try it out and see if it suits my needs; thanks.

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Hi Abe,

Yeah that works a little better than my approach. Need to have something running/open in the host to be able to Alt Tab to it, but otherwise that sequence seems to work OK.



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