VMware Communities

Replay feature and IBM ThinkPad G40


if on a VM (even with no OS installed) I activate the Replay[/b] feature this will freeze my IBM ThinkPad G40 then I turn on the image.

No message are displayed, nothing. the system is completely frozen.

I escalated this case and they said me, mainly, that they are no able to duplicate it because they have not the IBM THINKPAD G40.

On my ASUS 4AG works perfectly.

Is anyone experiencing the same?

Kind regards,

Marco S. Zuppone

0 Kudos
2 Replies

The Record/Replay of Virtual Machine Activity (Experimental Support)[/b]

Features marked as (Experimental Support) do not typically get escalated, since it has it is a technical preview and it has been already noted in the documentation that there are limitations with this feature.

What is your host OS?

What is the guest OS?

Post your .vmx file



I'm changing laptop so meybe I'll be more lucky.

I attach to this case the vmware machine: it is a blank machine with logs after turning on it with this option enabled.



Message was edited by: Marco S. Zuppone

Ops. I cannot insert attachments:



Jun 11 07:33:51.675: vmx| Log for VMware Workstation pid=3124 version=6.0.0 build=build-45731 option=BETA

Jun 11 07:33:51.675: vmx| Hostname=gbr-mzuppone.corp.avocent.com

Jun 11 07:33:51.675: vmx| Command line: "d:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Workstation\bin-debug\vmware-vmx.exe" "-#" "name=VMware Workstation;version=6.0.0;licensename=VMware Workstation for Win32;licenseversion=6.0 build-45731;" "-@" "pipe=
.\pipe\vmxeb4ecf3ddd068671;" "D:\vm\XP2\Windows XP Professional.vmx"

Jun 11 07:33:51.706: vmx| UI Connecting to pipe '
.\pipe\vmxeb4ecf3ddd068671' with user '(null)'

Jun 11 07:33:51.776: vmx| HD: host version is 5.1.2600

Jun 11 07:33:51.776: vmx| HD: addr 804f17b7

Jun 11 07:33:51.776: vmx| HD: 8055efdc, 805514c4

Jun 11 07:33:51.936: vmx| CPU #0 TSC = 2089365758492

Jun 11 07:33:51.936: vmx| TSC delta 0

Jun 11 07:33:51.936: vmx| VMMon_GetkHzEstimate: Calculated 2987867 kHz

Jun 11 07:33:51.936: vmx| CPUID[0] vendor: GenuntelineI

Jun 11 07:33:51.936: vmx| CPUID[0] level 00000000, 0: 0x00000002 0x756e6547 0x6c65746e 0x49656e69

Jun 11 07:33:51.936: vmx| CPUID[0] level 00000001, 0: 0x00000f27 0x00010809 0x00004400 0xbfebf9ff

Jun 11 07:33:51.936: vmx| CPUID[0] level 00000002, 0: 0x665b5101 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x007b7040

Jun 11 07:33:51.936: vmx| CPUID[0] level 80000000, 0: 0x80000004 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

Jun 11 07:33:51.936: vmx| CPUID[0] level 80000001, 0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

Jun 11 07:33:51.936: vmx| CPUID[0] level 80000002, 0: 0x20202020 0x20202020 0x20202020 0x6e492020

Jun 11 07:33:51.936: vmx| CPUID[0] level 80000003, 0: 0x286c6574 0x50202952 0x69746e65 0x52286d75

Jun 11 07:33:51.936: vmx| CPUID[0] level 80000004, 0: 0x20342029 0x20555043 0x30302e33 0x007a4847

Jun 11 07:33:51.936: vmx| hostCPUID vendor: GenuntelineI

Jun 11 07:33:51.936: vmx| hostCPUID level 00000000, 0: 0x00000002 0x756e6547 0x6c65746e 0x49656e69

Jun 11 07:33:51.936: vmx| hostCPUID level 00000001, 0: 0x00000f27 0x00010809 0x00004400 0xbfebf9ff

Jun 11 07:33:51.936: vmx| hostCPUID level 00000002, 0: 0x665b5101 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x007b7040

Jun 11 07:33:51.936: vmx| hostCPUID level 80000000, 0: 0x80000004 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

Jun 11 07:33:51.936: vmx| hostCPUID level 80000001, 0: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000

Jun 11 07:33:51.936: vmx| hostCPUID level 80000002, 0: 0x20202020 0x20202020 0x20202020 0x6e492020

Jun 11 07:33:51.936: vmx| hostCPUID level 80000003, 0: 0x286c6574 0x50202952 0x69746e65 0x52286d75

Jun 11 07:33:51.936: vmx| hostCPUID level 80000004, 0: 0x20342029 0x20555043 0x30302e33 0x007a4847

Jun 11 07:33:51.936: vmx| CPUID Maximum Physical Address Bits supported across all CPUs : 36

Jun 11 07:33:51.956: vmx| Host ACPI: can't find SRAT

Jun 11 07:33:51.956: vmx| Host: SRAT tables not found in memory

Jun 11 07:33:52.006: vmx| ACL_InitCapabilities: current IPC thread

Jun 11 07:33:52.006: vmx| ACL_InitCapabilities: done

Jun 11 07:33:52.006: vmx| changing directory to D:\vm\XP2\.

Jun 11 07:33:52.006: vmx| Config file: D:\vm\XP2\Windows XP Professional.vmx

Jun 11 07:33:52.016: vmx| LOG failed to remove D:\vm\XP2\vmware-2.log failed: The system cannot find the file specified

Jun 11 07:33:52.046: vmx| VMXVmdb_LoadRawConfig: Loading raw config

Jun 11 07:33:52.126: vmx| VMXVmdbCbVmVmxExecState: Exec state change requested to state poweredOn without reset

Jun 11 07:33:52.126: vmx| PowerOn

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| VMXVmdb_LoadRawConfig: Loading raw config

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| HOST Windows version 5.1, build 2600, platform 2, "Service Pack 2"

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT --- USER PREFERENCES

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.eula.0.appName = VMware Workstation

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.eula.0.buildNumber = 29772

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.eula.size = 2

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.autoFitFullScreen = fitHostToGuest

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.view.navBar.type = favorites

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest0.present = FALSE

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest0.destString =

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest0.user =

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest1.present = FALSE

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest1.destString =

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest1.user =

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest2.present = FALSE

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest2.destString =

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest2.user =

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest3.present = FALSE

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest3.destString =

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest3.user =

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest4.present = FALSE

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest4.destString =

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest4.user =

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest5.present = FALSE

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest5.destString =

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest5.user =

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest6.present = FALSE

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest6.destString =

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest6.user =

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest7.present = FALSE

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest7.destString =

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.mruDest7.user =

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.view.toolbars.power.items.count = 7

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.view.toolbars.power.item0.id = POWER_OFF

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.view.toolbars.power.item1.id = SUSPEND

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.view.toolbars.power.item2.id = POWER_ON

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.view.toolbars.power.item3.id = RESET

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.view.toolbars.power.item4.id = \_SEP_

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.view.toolbars.power.item5.id = PREVIEW_PLAYER

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.view.toolbars.power.item6.id = PREVIEW_WS

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.view.toolbars.proj.items.count = 4

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.view.toolbars.proj.item0.id = ADD_VM

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.view.toolbars.proj.item1.id = POLICIES

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.view.toolbars.proj.item2.id = PKG_NEW

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.view.toolbars.proj.item3.id = EDIT_SETTINGS

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.view.toolbars.snapshot.items.count = 3

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.view.toolbars.snapshot.item0.id = SNAPSHOT

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.view.toolbars.snapshot.item1.id = REVERT

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.view.toolbars.snapshot.item2.id = SNAPSHOT_MANAGER

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.view.toolbars.view.items.count = 6

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.view.toolbars.view.item0.id = FAVORITES

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.view.toolbars.view.item1.id = FULL_SCREEN

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.view.toolbars.view.item2.id = QUICK_SWITCH

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.view.toolbars.view.item3.id = \_SEP_

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.view.toolbars.view.item4.id = SUMMARY

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.view.toolbars.view.item5.id = CONSOLE

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT webUpdate.checkLast = 1181542794

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.view.navBar = FALSE

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.view.toolbars.menu.position.ix = 0

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.view.toolbars.menu.position.newLine = TRUE

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.view.toolbars.power.position.ix = 1

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.view.toolbars.power.position.newLine = TRUE

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.view.toolbars.power.position.length = 118

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.view.toolbars.snapshot.position.ix = 2

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.view.toolbars.snapshot.position.length = 87

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.view.toolbars.view.position.ix = 3

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.view.toolbars.view.position.length = 153

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.ws.openedObj0.present = FALSE

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.ws.openedObj0.name = Home

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.ws.openedObj.maxNum = 5

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.placement.left = 91

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.placement.top = -14

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.placement.right = 1127

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.placement.bottom = 766

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.tip.index = 10

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.ws.openedObj1.present = FALSE

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.ws.openedObj1.name = Clone of ClientXP

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT webUpdate.lastCheck.status = done_none

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.ws.currentObj.path = /vm/#eb4ecf3ddd068671/

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.ws.currentObj.type = vm

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.ws.openedObj2.present = TRUE

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.ws.openedObj2.type = home

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.ws.openedObj2.path =

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.ws.openedObj2.file =

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.ws.openedObj2.name = Home

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.ws.openedObj1.type = vm

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.ws.openedObj1.path = /vm/#3899d90f8abbc9a4/

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.ws.openedObj1.file = D:\vm\xp-virus\Clone of ClientXP\Clone of ClientXP.vmx

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.ws.openedObj3.present = TRUE

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.ws.openedObj3.type = vm

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.ws.openedObj3.path = /vm/#3899d90f8abbc9a4/

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.ws.openedObj3.file = D:\vm\xp-virus\Clone of ClientXP\Clone of ClientXP.vmx

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.ws.openedObj3.name = Clone of ClientXP

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT hint.guestos.xp = FALSE

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.eula.1.appName = VMware Workstation

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.eula.1.buildNumber = 34685

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT hint.leaveFullScreen = FALSE

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.ws.openedObj4.present = TRUE

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.ws.openedObj4.type = vm

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.ws.openedObj4.path = /vm/#eb4ecf3ddd068671/

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.ws.openedObj4.file = D:\vm\XP2\Windows XP Professional.vmx

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.ws.openedObj4.name = Windows XP Professional

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.ws.openedObj5.present = TRUE

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.ws.openedObj5.type = vm

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.ws.openedObj5.path = /vm/#9c93e4c34893eb3c/

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.ws.openedObj5.file = D:\My Documents\My Virtual Machines\Ubuntu\Ubuntu.vmx

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.ws.openedObj5.name = Ubuntu

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.eula.2.appName = VMware Workstation

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.eula.2.buildNumber = 45731

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.mruATS0.present = FALSE

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.mruATS0.atsString =

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.mruATS0.domain =

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.mruATS0.user =

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.mruATS0.secure = FALSE

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.mruATS0.port = 0

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.mruATS1.present = FALSE

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.mruATS1.atsString =

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.mruATS1.domain =

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.mruATS1.user =

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.mruATS1.secure = FALSE

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.mruATS1.port = 0

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.mruATS2.present = FALSE

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.mruATS2.atsString =

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.mruATS2.domain =

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.mruATS2.user =

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.mruATS2.secure = FALSE

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.mruATS2.port = 0

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.mruATS3.present = FALSE

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.mruATS3.atsString =

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.mruATS3.domain =

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.mruATS3.user =

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.mruATS3.secure = FALSE

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.mruATS3.port = 0

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.mruATS4.present = FALSE

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.mruATS4.atsString =

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.mruATS4.domain =

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.mruATS4.user =

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.mruATS4.secure = FALSE

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.mruATS4.port = 0

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.mruATS5.present = FALSE

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.mruATS5.atsString =

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.mruATS5.domain =

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.mruATS5.user =

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.mruATS5.secure = FALSE

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.mruATS5.port = 0

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.mruATS6.present = FALSE

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.mruATS6.atsString =

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.mruATS6.domain =

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.mruATS6.user =

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.mruATS6.secure = FALSE

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.mruATS6.port = 0

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.mruATS7.present = FALSE

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.mruATS7.atsString =

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.mruATS7.domain =

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.mruATS7.user =

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.mruATS7.secure = FALSE

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.mruATS7.port = 0


Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.view.homepage = TRUE

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.snapshotManager.left = 270

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.snapshotManager.top = 22

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.snapshotManager.right = 820

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT pref.snapshotManager.bottom = 502

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT hint.mainmem.lazySnapshotHint = FALSE

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT hint.loader.debug.beta = FALSE

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT prefvmx.defaultVMPath = D:\vm

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT webUpdate.checkPeriod = daily

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT --- USER DEFAULTS

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT --- HOST DEFAULTS

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT prefvmx.useRecommendedLockedMemSize = TRUE

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT --- SITE DEFAULTS

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT prefvmx.useRecommendedLockedMemSize = TRUE

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT --- COMMAND LINE

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT gui.available = TRUE

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT --- CONFIGURATION

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT config.version = 8

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT virtualHW.version = 6

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT scsi0.present = TRUE

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT memsize = 256

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT ide0:0.present = TRUE

Jun 11 07:33:52.136: vmx| DICT ide0:0.fileName = Windows XP Professional.vmdk

Jun 11 07:33:52.146: vmx| DICT ide1:0.present = TRUE

Jun 11 07:33:52.146: vmx| DICT ide1:0.fileName = auto detect

Jun 11 07:33:52.146: vmx| DICT ide1:0.deviceType = cdrom-raw

Jun 11 07:33:52.146: vmx| DICT floppy0.autodetect = TRUE

Jun 11 07:33:52.146: vmx| DICT ethernet0.present = TRUE

Jun 11 07:33:52.146: vmx| DICT ethernet0.wakeOnPcktRcv = FALSE

Jun 11 07:33:52.146: vmx| DICT usb.present = FALSE

Jun 11 07:33:52.146: vmx| DICT ehci.present = TRUE

Jun 11 07:33:52.146: vmx| DICT sound.present = FALSE

Jun 11 07:33:52.146: vmx| DICT sound.fileName = -1

Jun 11 07:33:52.146: vmx| DICT sound.autodetect = TRUE

Jun 11 07:33:52.146: vmx| DICT svga.autodetect = TRUE

Jun 11 07:33:52.146: vmx| DICT pciBridge0.present = TRUE

Jun 11 07:33:52.146: vmx| DICT mks.keyboardFilter = allow

Jun 11 07:33:52.146: vmx| DICT displayName = Windows XP Professional

Jun 11 07:33:52.146: vmx| DICT guestOS = winxppro

Jun 11 07:33:52.146: vmx| DICT nvram = Windows XP Professional.nvram

Jun 11 07:33:52.146: vmx| DICT deploymentPlatform = windows

Jun 11 07:33:52.146: vmx| DICT virtualHW.productCompatibility = hosted

Jun 11 07:33:52.146: vmx| DICT tools.upgrade.policy = useGlobal

Jun 11 07:33:52.146: vmx| DICT ide1:0.autodetect = TRUE

Jun 11 07:33:52.146: vmx| DICT floppy0.fileName = A:

Jun 11 07:33:52.146: vmx| DICT replay.logging = TRUE

Jun 11 07:33:52.146: vmx| DICT snapshot.action = keep

Jun 11 07:33:52.146: vmx| DICT monitor = debug

Jun 11 07:33:52.146: vmx| DICT isolation.tools.hgfs.disable = TRUE

Jun 11 07:33:52.146: vmx| DICT --- USER DEFAULTS

Jun 11 07:33:52.146: vmx| DICT --- HOST DEFAULTS

Jun 11 07:33:52.146: vmx| DICT prefvmx.useRecommendedLockedMemSize = TRUE

Jun 11 07:33:52.146: vmx| DICT --- SITE DEFAULTS

Jun 11 07:33:52.146: vmx| DICT prefvmx.useRecommendedLockedMemSize = TRUE

Jun 11 07:33:52.146: vmx| DICT --- GLOBAL SETTINGS

Jun 11 07:33:52.146: vmx| Msg_Hint: msg.guestos.xp (sent)

Jun 11 07:33:52.146: vmx| The Microsoft Windows XP product activation feature creates a key based on the virtual hardware in the virtual machine where it is installed. Changes in the virtual machine configuration may require you to reactivate the guest operating system. To minimize those changes, be sure to set the final memory size for the virtual machine and install VMware Tools before you activate Windows XP.

Jun 11 07:33:52.146: vmx| For more information about Windows XP product activation and virtual machines see our Web site at "http://www.vmware.com/info?id=50".

Jun 11 07:33:52.146: vmx|

Jun 11 07:33:52.146: vmx| \----


Unfortunately seems that I lost the configuration file but I can recreate another if needed.


0 Kudos