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STILL UNRESOLVED Import Windows XP Mode VM fails with "vim.fault.NoPermission" / "sysimage.fault.ReconfigFault"

Hi community,

this problem drives me nuts. I am trying to import my Windows XP Mode VM into VMware, tried Player, Workstation and Converter without any success. Here are the relevant snippets from the logs:


UfaSysReconfig::task::task: Image processing task has failed with MethodFault::Exception: vim.fault.NoPermission


Task failed: P2VError UNKNOWN_METHOD_FAULT(sysimage.fault.ReconfigFault)

What I have tried so far:

  • Blank XP Mode installation without Virtual PC

  • VMware Player, Workstation and Converter

  • Manual import of VPC image into VMware Workstation

  • Uninstalled VPC Integration Features

  • ...

The guest OS is Windows 7 Enterprise (32-bit) running on a brand new Lenovo T410s notebook.

Is there anything I am missing? Your help is very much appreciated!


Meanwhile I could narrow down the problem a little bit further I hope. It seems as this is the relevant passage in the vmware-converter.log:

2010-07-05 00:39:19.264 'App' 5184 verbose registryHiveProxy,102 Successfully connected to remote RegistryHive.

2010-07-05 00:39:19.264 'App' 5184 verbose registryHiveProxy,174 Saving registry key ControlSet001\Control\CriticalDeviceDatabase\pci#ven_104b&dev_1040 to

2010-07-05 00:39:19.264 'App' 5184 verbose registryHiveProxy,150 Restoring registry key ControlSet001\Control\CriticalDeviceDatabase\pci#ven_104b&dev_1040 from C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Workstation\data\5-C_VMSCSI

2010-07-05 00:39:19.271 'App' 5184 info imageProcessingTaskStep,194 UfaSysReconfig::task::task step "applying reconfigurations" destroyed

2010-07-05 00:39:19.271 'App' 5184 info reconfigurationTransaction,444 Rolling back the reconfiguration transaction...

The problem seems to be caused by missing SCSI drivers in the virtual machine (remember, this is a Windows XP Mode VM). I tried the following approach:

  1. Downloaded the drivers from VMware ( Injecting SCSI controller device drivers into Windows )

  2. Followed the instructions in this blog to integrate the drivers in my VM and update registry

Unfortunately, I still get the same error Any ideas?


Gave it another try and converted the VM using VMware vCenter Converter Standalone. The vmware-converter-agent.log points me in the same direction:

Error 5 (error restoring key: Access is denied (5)) restoring registry key C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware vCenter Converter Standalone\data\5-C_VMSCSI into mntApi271289953930088457\ControlSet001\Control\CriticalDeviceDatabase\pci#ven_104b&dev_1040

Do you have any thoughts what I can do to resolve the access denied error? Already tried Sysinternals Process Monitor ...

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9 Replies

Why are you trying to import XP Mode? It's not meant to be a stand alone VM, it's purpose is to thin app for Windows 7. That's ALL it's for. It's not a Virtual PC.

Besides, whatever it is you are attempting to import can simply be reinstalled. It also may be a licensing issue since XP Mode requires Windows 7, and you can't install anything (or shouldn't) in the VM anyway, so it may be simply a restriction by Microsoft.

either way, there shouldn't be anything of value in XP mode that can't be reinstalled.

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Richard - other folks have done this before and there is no reason it should not work : a VM is a VM Smiley Wink

@ OP - I would boot the VM into a BartPE - LiveCD and then inject drivers with the tool DriverInjectionGUI - see



VMX-parameters- WS FAQ -[ MOAcd|http://sanbarrow.com/moa241.html] - VMDK-Handbook

You also find me in the support crew of PHD Virtual Backup

Do you need support with a VMFS recovery problem ? - send a message via skype "sanbarrow"
I do not support Workstation 16 at this time ...

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Hi, thank's for your comments. However, Windows XP Mode is a real VM running Windows XP. The XP Mode is only one way of using applications seamlessly in Windows 7. I want to import it into VMware to be able to use "Unity" and to use more than 1 physical CPU core...

@continuum: I will give it a try with the approach you described and will let you know about the results. Thanks!!!

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Are you trying to import it via File > "Import Windows XP Mode VM" or via File > Import or Export?

0 Kudos

Hi Jameslin,

I am simply trying to import via "File -> Import Windows XP Mode VM" in VMware Workstation. I tried all suggestions now with the driver injection but still I cannot import the VM. What I don't understand is that Windows XP Mode is a plain VM with standard drivers and configurations and from the VMware manuals I understand that it should even be possible to import the VM without having to install Virtual PC at all. So I would expect that the import should be straight forward without the need to manually replace drivers.

Do you have any more hints? I am about to give up now and return to Virtual PC even though I would love to use VMware instead...


0 Kudos

Hi continuum,

did not work, unfortunately! I still get the same error messages. Any more ideas?

0 Kudos


can you specify what "does not work" means ? 😉


VMX-parameters- WS FAQ -[ MOAcd|http://sanbarrow.com/moa241.html] - VMDK-Handbook

You also find me in the support crew of PHD Virtual Backup

Do you need support with a VMFS recovery problem ? - send a message via skype "sanbarrow"
I do not support Workstation 16 at this time ...

0 Kudos


I had the exact same problems as you. The following worked for me.

Be sure VMWare Tools is installed or try re-installing it.

I thought I had already installed this, but saw a notification near the task bar that VMWare Tools wasn't installed. So I installed VMWare Tools , allowed XP to reboot as prompted and logged back into XP with the default username and my password. The VMWare Tools icon will display in the start up task bar if properly installed. There is a menu item under virtual machine for reinstall VMWare Tools if you want to try to re-install.

My device manager now shows the display adapter to be VMware SVGA II instead of yellow questions mark for the video adapter and base mode.

Good luck - It is worth the effort - The VMWare video quality is much better than the Windows virtual PC player.

Regards, Sueska9

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Hi sueska9, thanks for your post. I have already given up trying to import the XP mode machine. Now I am using a new VM with different XP license...

Probably installing VMware tools will help as a workaround, however, this would mean that you have to install Virtual PC, run and configure the machine, prior to importing it into VMware. From what I understand this should not be necessary. After you download and install XP Mode from Microsoft, you get a plain VM with default configuration and settings. Why is it so difficult to import? That is something that VMware needs to solve. Anyhow, thanks again for your hints!

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