VMware Communities

VM WS will no longer start

Something happened on my system - no visible cause but one of the major symptoms is that VM WS 7.1 loads about 21M and does nothing further. I know there are logs that will help diagnose but have no recollection where they are.

Any ideas? I am at a loss and have a deadline to make that requires my VM to work.

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4 Replies

Does nothing happen or do you have access to the GUI?

You have log files called "vmware.log" for the guests. Have you tried to start one? Theny you could post such a log file.

Have you found something in the event logs of the host?


VCP 3 & 4


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vExpert 2009/10/11 [:o]===[o:] [: ]o=o[ :] = Save forests! rent firewood! =
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All I get is the bit of the process you see in the screen shot. I never get to the VM interface. I cannot even try to start a Guest as I never get that far. I am about to try uninstalling and reinstalling; I tried a Repair last night to no avail.

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Did you already check for VMware services which don't run and - as AWo mentioned - for entries in the Windows event logs?

Maybe an AV or Firewall update makes trouble. Disable AV and firewall temporarily and then restart your system.


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It turned out that I had a bad DVD-RW in my drive and the backup software hung while trying to access it. This caused the Server process to fail to start (it hung) and this caused cascading problems ultimately killing VM. I removed the disk and replaced it with a good disk and now i am up an running.

Go figure. I had begun to do as the last post suggested earlier this morning and followed the trail to the bad disk by inspecting the event log more closely.

While it turned out to be a non-VM related cause, I greatly appreciate the input irrespective of the result. The good news is that the last post would have set me on the trail had I not happened upon it myself, so the community input demonstrates once again how valuable it can be.

Have a good day!

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