VMware Communities

VMs on Worksation 16.1 Not Able to Wake up.



One of our Developers is having issues with VMs on his machine which is causing him to lose work. His description of the issue is below.

"Windows 10 base pc running VMware 16.2.0 build-18760230. More and more often the VM is black and won't come back, sometimes if I suspend and resume the VM the screen comes back to life, other times I have to shut the VM down and lose stuff. "

I have tried various fixes I have found on the web including removing VMware tools and making sure that both machines have sleep mode turned off. It can't possibly be the VGA driver fix as it works on boot this is just an issue when it wakes from inactivity. Almost like the VM is not getting the wake command. I have included the VMsupport output from Workstation and included the version of windows being used below.





Base Machine Windows 21H1 19043.1288

VM Machine Windows 7  Ver6.1 7601 service pack one

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2 Replies

Got some more info from the developers, it appears that the VMs Tape Tools keeps changing the interface size.



I think this may be releated to his black screens, is there someway of controlling what Tape tools does and get it to stay permanantly on a certain settings?

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I have the same issue on Vmware 16.2.2. I didn't face this issue on v15. I am still trying to find out the reason.

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