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VMware WS 7.1.4 triggers SPLWOW64.exe to consume memory

I am having issues where SPLWOW64.exe begins to steadily consume memory when I start a Guest machine.  Closing the Guest machine does not release the memory.

This problem eventually eats several GB of RAM forcing me to reboot.  It only happens when I run a Guest machine, otherwise the SPLWOW64 process does not consume memory.

I saw reference to ThinPrint printers and have seen instances of them but have no idea how to permanently prevent them from being loaded.  If this is related to the problem please let me know how to address it.

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2 Replies

Thinprint can be disabled by editing the vmx-file
check the serial0 settings - Thinprint will appear here.

Do you use Win7-64 sp1 ?

Do you need support with a VMFS recovery problem ? - send a message via skype "sanbarrow"
I do not support Workstation 16 at this time ...

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My Host is Win7-64, this guest is Win7-32

I assume I am to set serial0.present="FALSE" to resolve this?

It appears to work as the SPLWOW64 process did not appear when I opened the VM.  It did, however, install an ATAPI driver when opened....

If Thinprint causes such problems why is it there?  I can't see any use for it and it clearly causes some serious problems, so why is it used?

Thanks for the info, it seems to have been spot on!

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