VMware Communities

Workstation 5.5.2 Shared Folders and File name too long


Windows Player 5.5.2

Guest: Centos 7 64 bit

Host: Window 10 Pro

Is there a setting or configuration that will allow the guess to create (mkdir) or navigate (cd) file paths that are longer than 260 characters. I frequently have tar balls which expand to deep paths and when this attempted on a shared folder from the Windows host (c: or UNC path, makes no difference) the "File name too long" error is encountered.

Within the host, Windows 10, the GPO setting for Long Path has been enabled. This has been verified using powershell and a deeper and longer directory created. But this directory can't be navigated within the linux guess.

I get the impression this is a Workstation limitation in the API calls it makes to Windows? Or is there additional VMware specific or vmhgfs-fuse driver setting required.

Any ideas/help appreciated. Even  if its just to confirm as a known limitation.


2 Replies

If you know in advance that you will have to deal with extra long filenames than don't use shared folders.

Use standard filesharing procedure like samba/cifs.

Maybe less conventient but more predictable.

Do you need support with a VMFS recovery problem ? - send a message via skype "sanbarrow"
I do not support Workstation 16 at this time ...


Adding to the solution. Although utilising a CIFS mount addressed the file name too long problem it introduced a new issue under linux. Under Windows 10 it seems when copy with timestamp preservation (e.g. cp -p) is used a "Errno::EACCES: Permission denied" error is encounter. Sounds like its a known issue with Window 10 and CIFS and the relevant linux drivers don't have a work around.

I hit this when using puppet and puppet-librarian build operations.

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