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install vmware tools for linux... W 7.1

hi guys

I have Vmware Workstation 7.1 - VMware-workstation-full-7.1.0-261024.exe - FULL

but I don't why every time I want to install vmware tools for linux it says downloading tools....

wy is this in previous Workstation versions I clicked install and it mounted an iso on cdrom and I went to that folder and I manually installed the tools...

any idea how to do it the old way I mean why is this if the package says FULL it should include that vmware tool for linux

thanks a lot

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2 Replies

I have the same (full) version for Windows and it behaves the same way. This is a major pain since my computer is not allowed to be connected to the network at work, thus, I have to take it home to install the tools.

To make matters worse, I am filling out paperwork to justify using VMware Workstation for our engineering department and I know network access will NOT be allowed with VMware or a VM. This new 'feature' will kill any chance of convincing IT mgmt to allow purchasing VMware.

Why was this new 'feature' added? Certainly not to save disk space since the download already is past 1/2 of a gig! Seems to be 100% step in the wrong direction.

Back to 7.01 for me...

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I found a way to get it to install the tools w/o connecting to the Internet, but I'm not sure what worked.

1) I was connected to a local network, not the Internet, so I disconnected the cable. Didn't help.

2) Went to Edit-->Preferences, click the 'Updates' tab, deselected all check boxes. Didn't help.

3) Shut down the virtual machine, closed VMware

4) Restarted VMware, restarted virtual machine, was able to click VM-->Install VMware Tools

The problem was probably the changes I made didn't operate on an active running virtual machine.

I hope this helps,


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