HTML Console SDK 2.2 not initialized

HTML Console SDK 2.2 not initialized

According to
I create html page and put host and ticket for VM
after page is loaded in web browser I see messages

2023-12-07T08:51:22.634Z [Warn ] relativepad : RELATIVEPAD
wmks.min.js:1 2023-12-07T08:51:22.641Z [Info ] Not a touch device, and hence skip touch handler
wmks.min.js:1 2023-12-07T08:51:22.677Z [Info ] WebSocket HAS binary support
webconsole.html?vmId=vm-131738&vmName=dta-saymon&numMksConnections=0&serverGuid=b7ca2e5c-0771-4313-bb27-4e3f97086d41&locale=en-US:170 The console is connecting
wmks.min.js:1 2023-12-07T08:51:22.680Z [Info ] WebSocket created protocol: binary
wmks.min.js:1 2023-12-07T08:51:23.092Z [Info ] Screen: 800 x 600, bits-per-pixel: 32, depth: 24, big-endian-flag: 0, true-color-flag: 1

and nothing happen
after some time the browser is hang

I tried open webconsole from vSphere and console log has two line more
2023-12-07T08:51:23.140Z [Info ] sending initing resolution after confirming server cap
webconsole.html?vmId=vm-131738&vmName=dta-saymon&numMksConnections=0&serverGuid=b7ca2e5c-0771-4313-bb27-4e3f97086d41&locale=en-US:174 The console has been connected

and console is shown

What is wrong ? I see in network tab that websocket connected and start recieve and send binary data, but console not shown and message "The console has been connected" not appear in log

Version history
Revision #:
1 of 1
Last update:
‎12-07-2023 01:55 AM
Updated by: