Storage Management

Storage Management

What kind of events can we detect by using the SDK? Please provide a link to documentation, or a sample script

Go to the API reference page. Click the Data Object types. Type Event in the Quick Index text box. The list that appears under the text box is the complete list of classes that represent one or the other events. The class names are intuitive, so you can easily locate the event you are interested in.

Can we get asynchronous notifications for events from VMware ESX? If so, can we have a sample script that explains this?

The CheckForUpdates method defined in the PropertyCollector managed object allows you to receive managed object updates asynchronously. The SDK package includes samples that provide the method usage. See the file in the com.vmware.samples.general package.

What performance and use information (CPU use, memory use, disk use, and so on) can we query using the SDK?

Go to the API reference page. Scroll down to Performance Counter Values, to the links for the resources like CPU, Disk, Memory, and so on. Click a link to view the details and complete descriptions of each performance counter that can be tracked.

Where can I find pointers or a sample application of how to create and delete VMware snapshots if they are not posted externally?

Sample programs are included with the VI SDK that provides samples for creating, deleting, and applying the snapshots for the virtual machines. The sample provided in the com.vmware.samples.vm package illustrates these functions.

Is there an API method to hot add or remove a virtual disk? If so, can you provide a pointer to a sample script?

You can only add a virtual disk to a virtual machine when the virtual machine is powered on. To remove a virtual disk, power off the virtual machine. The file in the com.vmware.samples.vm package illustrates these operations.

Can I perform end-to-end relationship mapping from a data store to the devices on the storage array?

You can do this through the VI SDK and CIM APIs. The CIM SDK includes a sample that shows end-to-end topology discovery. See vm-storage-info.cpp and cim-storage-discovery.cpp in the CIM C++ samples.

Are CIM commands passive only? For example, how can I initiate snap on a storage array?

The VMware ESX 3.0 CIM implementation is read-only, therefore you cannot initiate an operation by using the CIM API.

Can I gather storage-array performance metrics through CIM, and what are the methods?

Performance metrics are not available through CIM. You can use the VI SDK to obtain the performance metrics. See Q 3. for the types of metrics available through the VI SDK.

What is the discovery capability through SDK, API, or CIM to provide information about the back-end storage array?

Some basic SCSI inquiry information is available in the VMWARE_StorageExtent CIM class and ScsiLun data object in the VI SDK.

What is the array-based replication capability to trigger array-based snapshots or remote replication?

These capabilities are not supported through VMware APIs.

Can I correlate performance metrics with a storage array?

VI SDK provides stats for each LUN (ScsiLun) that can be mapped to an array.

Can I integrate with array-based storage management applications?

VMware does not currently integrate with any storage management applications directly.

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‎08-22-2008 01:11 PM
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