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How do you debug ESXi PSA driver development?

I looked into the "Native DDK Developer Guide". That tells me to use Workbench Virtual Machine. However Workbench VM download is nowhere to be found. Workbench IS can be found here:  https://developer.vmware.com/web/workbench/wbis/3.5. But Workbench IS is just add-ons to Eclipse.

The "Native DDK Developer Guide" explains all about setting up for serial debugging. But it clearly says that the build and debug side is a virtual appliance that they've packaged up for you, not just Eclipse add-ons. It says, "The debugging environment contains the VMware Workbench in a virtual appliance ...". 

So what exactly works for debugging and what do I get for it? Do I get step-thru c source level debugging? Or do I get assembler debugging?

I already have vmkernel messages printed out the serial port so I already have "printout" debugging.  If I put all this time into trying to figure out the environment I hope to get something more than printout debugging.

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