VMware Cloud Community

ESXi Paid Versus Free.

So can someone explain the revenue stream here for me. If the product is free, I take it that VMWARE is targeting the larger server population and the management options, correct?

Question 2.

Am I correct to assume that the FREE can be converted to a PAID version without any upgrades or changes other than the keys?

Question 3.

What are the features of PAID vs FREE.... is there a detailed legend somewhere rather than various links of people giving there two cents that can be viewed?

Question 4.

Anyone have good suggestion regarding good videos/tutorials sites that discuss each of the settings within vcenter? Also looking for a good place to purchase licenses, any cost saving suggestions?


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1 Reply

Q1.) You're probably right on this. However, the free version is also something that's certainly a door opener for other versions and products.

Q2.) Yes, the binaries are the same and it's only the license key which locks and/or unlocks options.

Q3.) To find out about the differences between the different editions take a look at http://www.vmware.com/files/pdf/vsphere_pricing.pdf. The limitation of the free edition in version 5.5 is a restricted API and a maximum of 8 vCPUs per VM.

Q4.) For videos see VMware - YouTube. For pricing I'd suggest you request a quote from e.g. a VMware partner. If you are starting with virtualization you may take a look at the Essentials or Acceleration Kits (depending on your needs).
