VMware Cloud Community

Fresh install of VCenter 5.5 (error code 29113)

Need some help please:

Setting up a fresh installation of vCenter 5.5, all components being installed are on the same Virtual Machine

  1. OS: Windows 2008 R2 Sp1
  2. Not the Domain controller - Verified nslookup is working (both forward and reverse) 
  3. Following the guide, so I start by installing SSO
  4. Installed SSO successfully
  5. Tried to install the web client – error code 29113
  6. Verified DNS
  7. Both SSO  and web client are on the same VM (so there should be no time sync issue)
  8. Verified the DC and the new vCenter server are talking, via ICMP, time on both servers are correct
  9. Tried to put IP address instead of FDQN – error code 29113
  10. Verified the password to the SSO account does not start with any special characters
  11. I edited “%systemroot%\system32\drivers\etc\”....provided the VC FQDN and IP Address

Now I need to reach out and see if anyone else has gone this through problem Thanks ahead of time!

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2 Replies

did you try steps mention in following kb :-


did you uninstall sso and do a re-install as given. SSO password must be complex, may try something like Password@321

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Hello Vinod,

Yes I did perform an uninstall of SSO, renamed the CIS folder to CIS.old. Then I installed the prerequisites for SSO and then again installed SSO with a complex password : PaSsWoRd1234%^

SSO installs fine, but when I get to the web client I get the 29113 error code. I have tried both FQDN and IP address...but still no luck

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