VMware Cloud Community

Migrate vCenter Server from Primary Network to Secondary Network

Greetings to the Community,
i need your help to avoid making a mistake that could compromise my vmWare infrastructure. I would like, at least initially, to submit my question to you, trying to be concise and avoid going too far.
My vmWare infrastructure is very simple and sees the presence of only one eSXi Host with two vLans.
My main network, which we will call network A, hosts some servers including the machine on which vCenter is installed.
Network B, on the other hand, is a laboratory network and hosts some machines that I use to test my applications.

My need would be to move the virtual server, which hosts vCenter internally, from network A to network B.
Currently I connect to vCenter from my workstation which has 2 network cards and reaches both networks.
I therefore ask you how I can carry out this migration without compromising my infrastructure and then continue
to manage my vCenter no longer present in network A but in network B.

I hope I have been clear enough and am ready to clarify anyway if necessary.

Thank you

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