VMware Cloud Community

Web Interface issues

Well, Mac user here.  So now that I can actually get a console to my VMs I can finally start using the web interface.  (Using the vCenter appliance)

Finding that the interface isn't as reliable as I'd expect.   As part of my migration to 5.5 I'd shutdown a VM or two.   Now it comes time to turn it back on, I go and select the VM and choose to Power On.  The mouse cursor changes to the clock, but the VM does nothing.   Relaunched the browser to try on a fresh session, still no luck.   Went back to the full client, clicked on the VM, and powered it up with no problems.

This seems to be a really normal operation, what could possibly be causing the web interface to not be able to _start_ a VM?!

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1 Reply

The web interface sucks. Novell did something similar when they dumped the win32 nwadmin32 and went first to consoleone on java then to html iManager it was a sad decent into uselessness.

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