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deploy from template with custom specs not working - NIC becomes disconnected

[We are using vcenter 5.1 update 2]

I created a new template for Server 2012 R2 and I created a custom spec to go along with it. I went to test the deployment the other day and it looked like the custom specs didn't quite finish. It had set the local admin password and named it but it didn't join the domain. I eventually figured out that after deployment, the NIC becomes disconnected despite me having 'connect at power on' checked in the template. We are using the VMXNET 3 adapter.

I have been messing around with the template for the last 2 days and I am stuck as to why it is not working. I have tried the following...

-verified windows firewall is turned off (all 3 options) (Re: ESXi 5 VM / Server 2008 R2 loses network connection after reboot)

-removed NIC; cleaned up registry at HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Network\; rebooted; readded NIC (this was to eliminate any ghost NICs) (http://vnetwise.wordpress.com/2012/06/09/vmware-template-deploymentspart-1-trying-to-modify/)

-removed vmware tools and reinstalled. (http://vnetwise.wordpress.com/2012/06/09/vmware-template-deploymentspart-1-trying-to-modify/)

-on the NIC in the OS, unchecked 'allow computer to turn off to save power'  (Re: ESXi 5 VM / Server 2008 R2 loses network connection after reboot)

-verified that my new 2012R2 template is using the same host and storage cluster as my 2012 template that does work. Also on the same Distributed Port Group. (Basically, all of the vcenter settings are the same between the two templates)

-also tried disabling the NIC in the template (Windows Server 2012 Guest Customization)

I have re-deployed the same server about 10 times and each time after deployment, you can see it reboot and try to start the customization but it hangs. If I manually turn the NIC back on it finishes correctly. The problem is I don't want to have to do that every time I deploy a server. Why is it turning the NIC off and unchecking my option to connect at power on and how do I fix this?


Based on testing (detailed below):

In 5.1 U2 - when deploying Server 2012 R2 templates using custom specs, the NIC does not turn on after deployment despite having 'connect at power on' checked.

*we are using VMXNET 3 and we do utilize vDS

Any help is much appreciated!


Message was edited by: atom_acres

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Problem solved: Needed to update the VM Hardware version from 8 to 9 on the template (also make sure you check 'check and upgrade vmtools on power on')

Apparently when you create a new VM from scratch in 5.1 U2, it uses VM Hardware version 8 instead of the latest v9. Once I upgraded this and made sure to check the box to have it check and upgrade vm tools on power on, deploying with customization is working and the NIC is on when powered on!

View solution in original post

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I'm having the same issue with my templates trying to deploy new CentOS Linux servers.  Either the name is not changed or the IP given during the guest customization is not taken or both.  Sometimes the name and IP do work, but it creates a new eth1 rather than it using eth0.  I can fix this by manually making changes, but I shouldn't have to do this by hand.

This all started after updating my vCenter appliance to the version listed below.  Last week everything was working just fine, after the update, template problems began.

VMware vCenter Server Appliance

Update to version 5.5.0 Update 1b

ifconfig -a

eth1      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx

          inet addr:xxx.xxx.xxx.123  Bcast:xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx  Mask:

          inet6 Scope:Link


          RX packets:7028 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0

          TX packets:372 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0

          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000

          RX bytes:443169 (432.7 KiB)  TX bytes:35356 (34.5 KiB)

so here is a system just deployed from a know good template, that system do not have a eth1 nic interface, yet on the new vm it does.

when I try to restart the network service I get the following.

service network restart

Shutting down interface eth1:                              [  OK  ]

Shutting down loopback interface:                          [  OK  ]

Bringing up loopback interface:                            [  OK  ]

Bringing up interface eth0:  Device eth0 does not seem to be present, delaying initialization.


So I have no idea where or why the deployment of a vm from a template would add a new interface.

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Some more testing...

Deployed new template (2012 R2) to different cluster = same result

Deployed old template (2012) with custom specs = customization works and NIC is connected

Deployed new template WITHOUT custom specs = NIC is connected

Created new custom spec from scratch and deployed new template using it = same results (NIC not connected after deployment)

re-created template from scratch = same result (NIC not connected after deployment using custom specs)

Based on the additional testing above:

In 5.1 U2 - when deploying Server 2012 R2 templates using custom specs, the NIC does not turn on after deployment despite having 'connect at power on' checked.

*we are using VMXNET 3 and we do utilize vDS

Has anyone else experienced this exact same result? Is there anyone who has a 2012 R2 template working with custom specs?

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Welcome to communities.

Please make sure you have appropriate NIC.


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Thanks but I am using VMXNET 3 which is supported in our version of ESX (5.1 U2) and by the OS I am attempting to use (Server 2012 R2).

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Problem solved: Needed to update the VM Hardware version from 8 to 9 on the template (also make sure you check 'check and upgrade vmtools on power on')

Apparently when you create a new VM from scratch in 5.1 U2, it uses VM Hardware version 8 instead of the latest v9. Once I upgraded this and made sure to check the box to have it check and upgrade vm tools on power on, deploying with customization is working and the NIC is on when powered on!

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Same problem here but chancing the HW version did not help.

Any other suggestions?

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After upgrading to hardware v9 (latest version in 5.1) I had to also make sure the checkbox was checked for "check and upgrade vmtools on power on" on the template. Hope this helps...

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Did that.

I found out that deploy works well on a host with version 5.1.0, 1483097

And fails on a host with version 5.1.0 , 1743533

Looks like there is a update that is causing this

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Updated to 5.1.0, 1900470 no luck

Booked a support call with VMware

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Its working now with the latest update 5.1.0, 1900470

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