VMware Cloud Community

"Remove virtual flash resource" operation failed

I have this issue after having a problem with an ISCSI device that I have removed from the system.

The ISCSI Disk is not in the system but ESXi is trying to use it for its Virtual Flash Disk.

Since it is removed, I am unable to remove the Virtual Flash Resource from my Virtual Flash Resource Management Device Backing.

Host flash resource status...

The error reads......

The "Remove virtual flash resource" operation failed for the entity with the following error message:  The object or item referred to could not be found

Any suggestions?

VMware ESXi, 5.5.0, 3116895

Thank you!

Message was edited by: CoastalControl

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3 Replies


I have the same issue, did you end up resolving yours?

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Hi there,

Try one of the following depending on the state of your host:

  1. Restart the host
  2. Restart the Management Agents on the host

This should remove the listings from the Virtual Flash Resource Management for the missing disk.

Also ensure that any VMs which had Virtual Flash enabled have this option disabled before attempting either option. In my testing it appears that you will need to restart the host if you have had a VM with this option enabled otherwise a restart of the Management Agents works fine.

Hope this helps.

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VMware Employee
VMware Employee

Yes, I do agree with workarounds specified in last response.

Thanks & Regards
Vikas, VCP70, MCTS on AD, SCJP6.0, VCF, vSphere with Tanzu specialist.
Disclaimer: Any views or opinions expressed here are strictly my own. I am solely responsible for all content published here. Content published here is not read, reviewed or approved in advance by VMware and does not necessarily represent or reflect the views or opinions of VMware.

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