VMware Cloud Community

Merging two Provider VDC and dismiss old Provider VDC


I not found in-depth documentation about merging cluster and elastic Provider VDC.

We need to migrate all workloads to new cluster (Provider VDC) and dismiss old cluster (Provider VDC).

I try on LAB with vCD 10.4.2, and two cluster in same vCenter Server (same as on production).

For example we need to dismiss “cluster-old” and move all organizations workloads to new “cluster-new”.

I try to merge "cluster-new" with "cluster-old" and with this operation/sequence "cluster-new" are the primary Resource Pool and "cluster-old" the “secondary” Resource Pool.

With this I can migrate workloads from cluster-old to "cluster-new" and change storage policy, and after disable "cluster-old" and detach "cluster-old" without errors or particular problem.

I retry again on the lab the workflow and I notice this: when I merge cluster, we need to select the new cluster and click merge and select the other cluster. In this case whit this order, the cluster selected as first, are the primary “cluster/resource pool”.

If I click for example "cluster-old" and click merde with "cluster-new", in this case the "cluster-old" (first selected) are the primary Resource Pool and "cluster-new" the secondary. In this case I can’t dismiss "cluster-old" because are the primary Resource Pool on merged Provider VDC.

Do you have any advice on this?
Have you already done something similar?

Simulating in the LAB everything seems ok to me, it just seems strange not to find anything in the documentation on this procedure nor even suggestions and indications on how to merge and dismiss provider vdc / cluster.



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