VMware Cloud Community

Storage Sizing in a Private cloud

We are in the process of creating a common cloud for an existing infrastructure which has many vmware as well as hyper-v VM's. So for storage sizing whether the following formula holds good?

Estimated Storage requirements= (size of vmdk) + (VM RAM) + (Suspend/Resume) + 100mb per VM for logs + 15% for overhead

Also needs to know whether IOPS and snapshot needs to be taken into consideration? If Yes then how much % needs to be provisioned for storage?

Please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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1 Reply

That is pretty much the same formula I use. Snapshots aren't available today, but when they would be I usually take 20% as the overhead instead of 15 to ensure you have some spare capacity for them. IOPS is difficult, it is a cloud and it should cater for different kind of workloads and they will be really divers. I would select a standard raid-level with a standard amount of disks that hits the sweet spots for your array. So for instance with NetApp RAID-DP is usually the best way to go.


VMware Communities User Moderator | VCDX


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