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Disk types of vSAN in OSA and ESA

As we know when we are implementing vSAN OSA we have two ties and type of disk in capacity tier is difference with cache that is betted to use write intensive disk with high endurance on cache tier and mix disk for capacity tier . Now want to know for design and implement vSAN ESA mode as we have just one storage pool . Can we use one type of disks with same size ? such as Mixed use for all disks

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@baber, Yes, vSAN ESA uses all same model and size of disk per storage pool (there are no Disk-Groups).


vSAN ESA is supported for ReadyNode only at present so please don't be considering running this on whatever devices.


Listing of the storage devices these use is here:



I can find no indication of mixed device models being unsupported as long as they are from the same OEM vendor and are supported for vSAN ESA (but also note that in general non-homogenity is generally not advised for many reasons).

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@TheBobkin. Thanks. But as I know vSAN ESA is not limited to ready nodes if you want to enable vSAN8 in your environment it is asking which type of vSAN want to use OSA/ESA . So ESA is not limited to readynoed

about second question and disk's type want to know Does it suitable to buy just mixed intensive disk for storage pool when we are using ESA ? (As I said before that in OSA recommendation is to have two types of disk write intensive for cache tier and mixed intensive disks for capacity tier)

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With vSAN ESA at the moment only ReadyNode Configurations are supported. They NEED to be on the vSAN ESA ReadyNode compatibility guide: https://www.vmware.com/resources/compatibility/search.php?deviceCategory=vsanesa

vSAN ESA is a single tier solution, the devices used are typically Mixed Use devices, they are all listed here: https://www.vmware.com/resources/compatibility/search.php?deviceCategory=ssd&details=1&vsan_type=vsa...

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@depping That is strange . As I saw in most of VMware vSAN demo or tutorial that is mentioned due run vSAN on vSAN8 it asks you what type of vSAN want to use OSA/ESA .

I have 5 DL580G10 servers that resided NVME disks on that with 25G NIC . Does it your mean I cannot use ESA on that ?

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@baber, Just because something isn't exclusively prevented from being enabled, doesn't make it supported - there is nothing stopping anyone from taking a server and pouring 10 litres of honey into it, that it is possible doesn't make it a good idea.


Were these servers you have purchased as ReadyNodes that are certified for vSAN ESA? If not, then no.


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I am not using RadyNode . I have 5 DL580G10 servers  that includes 6NVME disks on each of them and is using PNIC 25G

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There's no DL580's on the vSAN Ready Node VCG for vSAN ESA, so it won't be a supported configuration.

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