VMware Cloud Community

About pvrdma


I am testing PVRDMA in vsphere 6.5. My Guest OS is centos 7.1 (kernel 3.10)

I have already installed OFED-4.8-2 in guest OS.

The NIC installed on exsi 6.5 box is 40Gbps (Mellanox MT27520 in eth mode)

1. Add a network controller type PVRDMA when setting up the guest OS


2.  Log  into guest OS, eno33559296 is just the PVRDMA network controlled added in step 1. You can see its type is a 10000Mb/s (10Gbps) !

Is is working by design?  What is the upper limiation of the virtual pvrdma card? 40Gbps or just 10Gbps?


3. I do some performance testing by ib_write_bw (two above VMs are runing on two esxi boxes seperatedly)


I do not know why BW_averarge is only 75MB/s.  Any tunning steps are required here ?

Appreciate your advice.

Thanks  a lots.

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