VMware Cloud Community

Autodeploy setup using DHCPv6

Hey Team,

I am working on enabling Autodeploy by using only IPv6. I have tested Austodeploy with IPv4 and it works like charm. But I am facing issues with IPv6 only setup.

My setup is as follows:

- I have a vCenter VM (vSphere 7.x) running on an IPv6 IP with auto-deploy enabled.

Stateful DHCPv6 and TFTP:
- I have a VM running isc-dhcp-server6 and tftpd-hpa.
- I am making use of stateful DHCPv6, and hence have enabled managed-config-flag and other-config-flag, so that IP address and other details are provided by the DHCPv6 server.
- dhcpv6.conf looks like the below:


# cat /etc/dhcp/isc-dhcpd.conf
option dhcp6.bootfile-url code 59 = string;
option dhcp6.vendor-class code 16 = {integer 32, integer 16, string};
option dhcp6.client-arch-type code 61 = array of unsigned integer 16;
option dhcp6.user-class code 15 = string;
subnet6 2620:xxx:c004:yyy::/64{
  range6 2620:xxx:c004:yyy::10 2620:xxx:c004:yyy::99;
  option dhcp6.bootfile-url "tftp://[2620:xxx:c004:yyy:f816:zzz:fe10:dcde]/snponly64.efi.vmw-hardwired";

For PXE boot, I am making use of UEFI (on Cisco UCS C220-M5). When I initiate a PXE boot the below steps happen:

1. PXE boot over IPv6 is kickstarted.
2. DHCPv6 server provides an IPv6 address along with the details of bootfile-url (Router Solicitation, Router advertisement, Request, DHCPv6 Solicit, DHCPv6 Advertise, DHCPv6 Request and DHCPv6 Reply related messages can be seen in the log). 
3. The UCS machine downloads and loads snponly64.efi.vmw-hardwired (and along the journey the IPv6 address obtained in step 2 is released).
4. The file mentioned in dhcp6.bootfile-url is an iPXE image. As soon as it is loaded, it attempts to setup network - and this fails 😞

Enabling network in iPXE failsEnabling network in iPXE fails

If I enable a DHCPv4 server, it gets a response and loads the tramp file. The documentation says IPv6 should work with UEFI. In order to make sure it's not the DHCPv6 server issue, I tried to request an IPv6 IP from a different VM - and this worked.

I am not sure what am I doing wrong. Can anyone please shed some light 🙏.


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2 Replies
VMware Employee
VMware Employee

Thread reported so moderators know it should be moved to the area for vSphere.



Although I am a VMware employee I contribute to VMware Communities voluntarily (ie. not in any official capacity)
VMware Training & Certification blog
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Hey Team, 

Would appreciate any hints on the issue.

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