VMware Cloud Community

CLI syntax for adding vmotion ports with DVS?

Anyone have the correct syntax handy to add vmotion kernel ports via command line?  Trying to add new ports to a large number of hosts, so doing it via GUI will be a nightmare.  The issue I'm running into is the esxcfg-vmknic command seems to mandate a port group name, but my vmotion network is a vlan on a dvswitch, so there is no port group.

If I "vim-cmd hostsvc/vmotion/netconfig_get" to see my other interfaces, show info like:

portgroupKey = "dvportgroup-4399",
portKey = "3455",
connectionCookie = 1300986339
portgroup = <unset>,
mtu = 1500,
tsoEnabled = true,
netStackInstanceKey = "vmotion",

but if I try to add an interface without giving a port group, I get back:


Missing PortGroup name.


I can add interfaces via GUI, just not CLI.

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