VMware Cloud Community

NFS Datastores not showing as mounted after reboot of HCI node(s)

2 node Cisco HX Edge cluster running 7.0.2, 19290878. VCSA is running 7.0.3 19717403. I have created 3 datastores. NFS format.

When I reboot a node and it comes back online, not all of the datastores are showing mounted within vCenter upon the node connecting. When I immediately SSH into the node in question and and view what is mounted, I do in fact see that all of the NFS datastores are mounted. If I disconnect and reconnect the node, all of the datastores do show up. This does not happen every time but does about 75% of the time. 

Opened a ticket with vmware and cisco and they are both pointing at each other. vmware is pointing to an apd situation that needs to be resolved at the storage array/fabric layer. Cisco logging indicates that during the bootup process ESXi tries to mount the datastore before the network is up which causing the apd handler. when i got vmware and cisco on the phone together it became more of an argument than a productive call. 

Has anyone seen this behavior or have feedback on this. 


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1 Reply

We are having this exact same issue.  We also have HyperFlex.  Did you find a resolution for this?

We did find a cisco bug regarding this.   it says it is fixed in vmware 6.7 update 3.   The bug also has a work around:  Restart hostd then restart vpxa then wait about 3 minutes and the volumes show up in vCenter.  (this worked for us.)



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