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Tag commands not working via powercli


Tag related commands such as Get-Tag fail with error:

vsphere single sign-on failed for connection https.....:7444/sts/STSService...

The underlying cause was there was no endpoint listening at https...../sts/STSService... that could accept the message.

This is often caused by an incorrect address or SOAP action...

Upgraded to PowerCLI 11.3.0 build 13990089 but issue persists

Want to assign different tags to multiple VMs so really need this functionality to work.

Apologies if not the right forum, please direct me to the right one if so?

All other commands work Get-VMHost etc...

VCSA is 6.5U2


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2 Replies

There are several other users that report issues with powercli tag cmdlets . I suggest you submit an SR for this with support.

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Ok will do, in meantime if anyone is aware of any workaround please let me know...

FYI - Trying with the administrator@vsphere.local or with credential object both did not work either.

$cred = Get-Credential

Connect-VIServer vcenter -Credential $cred

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