VMware Cloud Community

VM CPU share difference Flash Client vs HMTL5

Hello everyone,

today I noticed a strange thing I'd like to share with you and get your opinion on.

The setup:

We have a greenfield 2 node ESXi Cluster with IBM SVC FC Storage for a testing environment.

vCenter is the current vcsa, the hosts use the 6.5 Dell Image, patched to the newest patch release.

CPU Shares:

We do not use any resource pools. Every VM has CPU shares set to normal, no reservations or limits set.

So every VM should have their CPU shares according to the amount of vCPUs configured, e.g. a 4 vCPU VM has 4000 CPU shares, a 2 vCPU VM has 2000 shares.

Hot ADD CPU is enabled on some VMs, but probably makes no difference, because we tested it on different VMs with the same results.

The Problem:

When we add vCPUs to a VM using Internet Exporer 11 in the Flash Web Client. In the VM Settings, the shares adjusted as well and when you check the VM Hardware in the Overview tab, the share look good as well. Using the HMTL5 Client you see a different picture: The shares have not been adjusted, the amount of vCPUs have. So for example adding 2 vCPU to a 2 vCPU VM Shows 4 vCPUs and 4000 Shares in the FlashClient and 4 vCPUs and 2000 Shares in the HTML5 Client. You can verify this by clicking on the cluster-Monitoring-resource reserveration-cpu and check the amount of shares there. Plus we check the vcsa DB using RVtools to get the current configuration. Both Show 2000 Shares.

We then checked by using HMTL 5 Client to make the adjustment and everything looks fine. So we checked with different browsers (Firefox).

I seems like it all comes down to the Flash Client which does not adjust shares if you add vCPU to a VM.

Does someone have an explanation for this? Does anyone experience the same thing?

Thanks for your Feedback.

Kind regards, Tim

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2 Replies


HMTL5 Client is not production ready yet. So you may expect bugs with it.

You can open a SR with VMware GSS and report this issue.

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the thing is, that the amount of shares just look correct in the flash client and seem to be wrong in the html 5 client.

But if you check the database or just an external tool (in our case RVtools), you see that the amount displayed in the hmtl5 client is the right one.

So making an CPU adjustment in the flash client looks like it adjusts the shares as well but doesn't. So the hmtl5 client is the one which is working.

Currently we are not able to open a case with VMware because this is a PoC environment and the costumer has not decided yet if he is going to use VMware in the future.

Kind regards


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