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esxi 7.x backup/restore configuration

Regarding this link: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2042141#:~:text=You%20can%20backup%20and%20restore,vSphere%20PowerCL...

there are 3 options given for backing up config on ESXi, however the first option doing directly on host does not work. and it doesn't really make much sense ether. ESXI defaults to going over SSL, so its impossible to to point browser to download config over (http:) connection, as boughnt up by the shell, to download config when the browser redirects anyway... So that is out


NOw i'm favoring the other two....I assume VShphere CLI is downloaded as extra from VMWare as  cannot find it on my system ??   I'm finding this more convenient as you just need a windows machine (remote to host) Also the version you use, is it the same as compatibility ?  That is, just like you must use matching host and vSphere clients versions to connect, must the CLI to backup/restore also be the latest  ?? or doesn't it mate on the CLI version ?

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I found this : https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/78473?lang=en_US&queryTerm=cli

Seems to be on the right path.. Seems VMWare EOL'ed CLI from version 7 and moved to separate perl/esxcli packages, which i have downloaded already. I didn't do perl, because i think esxicli should be enough., However, i'm stuck  how to backckup host.

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