VMware Cloud Community

vSphere 7 U3J - Cross vCenter vMotion fails with "Invalid state" from A to B; B to A is working


we have 2 remote vSphere environments which have to be merged into one. (B into A)

Upgraded both sites completely to vSphere 7 U3j.

We've upgraded site B from 6.7 to 7U3j after the poblem occured first.

In this transition process we were able to test-migrate some VMs successfully.

But now that we are completely at 7 U3j, we're having the same issue again.


We are using Cross vCenter vMotion with Enterprise Plus licensces.

Everthing is shown fine inside Import VM/Export to foreign vCenter wizzard.

VM-Relocating/Copying is working as expected and seems to show for a moment "success" at 100%, but a moment later it's "Failed" with "A general system error occurded: Invalid state"

Inside datastores (SAS) site A the .vmdk files is present until failed vMotion proccess cleans up everthing again. Just the vm*-files e.g. *.vmx are missing.

If we do the same the other way arround (from A to B)  it's working as expected.


Anyone having an idea or experienced the same?


Best Holger

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1 Reply
VMware Employee
VMware Employee

I have reported your post to the moderators as it needs moving to the area for vSphere.



Although I am a VMware employee I contribute to VMware Communities voluntarily (ie. not in any official capacity)
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