VMware Cloud Community

vSphere with Tanzu An error occurred fetching the virtual IP: Timed out waiting for LB service updat


  • vCenter/ESXi 7.0.2
  • HAProxy v0.2.0 deployed with Mgmt and workload+service topology (2 nics), configured with IP range from Workload (VLAN 103)
  • VC with management cluster and another cluster with 3 nodes
  • Both clusters are on the same vDS with Mgmt (VLAN 100), vMotion (VLAN 101), Storage (VLAN 102) and Workload (VLAN 103) portgroups (screenshot attached)
  • WCP configuration
    • 3 nodes medium control plane cluster
    • Management network with IPs from Mgmt (VLAN 100)
    • Workload network with an IP range from Workload (VLAN 103)
      Workload network IP range and LB IP range configured in HAProxy are from the same VLAN but not overlappingAll VLAN are routable to each other

After enabling Workload Management on the second cluster, it is deploying the Supervisor cluster with 3 nodes. All pods are coming up. Load balancer service (kube-apiserver-lb-svc) is getting created exposing the kube-apiserver but the kube-apiserver-lb-svc is not getting EXTERNAL-IP.

2021-08-26T17:26:55.274Z error wcp [apiserver/manager.go:157] [opID=60e61abc] timed out waiting for kube-apiserver-lb-svc service update. Err: context deadline exceeded
2021-08-26T17:26:55.274Z error wcp [kubelifecycle/controller.go:1082] [opID=60e61abc-domain-c14213] An error occurred fetching the virtual IP: Timed out waiting for LB service update. This operation is part of the cluster enablement and will be retried.. Retrying

root@422d666d354d718a5e42aa7d3d76e9b4 [ ~ ]# kubectl -n kube-system get services
NAME                          TYPE                   CLUSTER-IP            EXTERNAL-IP                PORT(S)                                      AGE
docker-registry           ClusterIP                  <none>                           5000/TCP                                  90m
kube-apiserver-lb-svc LoadBalancer              <pending>                      443:31155/TCP,6443:31347/TCP  85m
kube-dns                     ClusterIP                   <none>                          53/UDP,53/TCP,9153/TCP         90m

EXTERNAL-IP   status remains <pending> forever.

I tried configuring AVI LB. Still hitting the same issue.

Workload Management status remains in configuring state forever.



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2 Replies

Worked when I used IP instead of FQDN for HAProxy host in the enable Workload Management workflow.

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Did you solve this? I have the same issue, 7.0.3 w/ NSX ALB.. tried multiple guides, including a 162 page PDF from VMware themselves. I can see all the supervisor nodes logging in to ALB via Operations -> All Events, but nothing ever gets configured and I get all the same outcomes from your post.

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