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Deleted hardware coming back

Has anyone else had this problem? I delete the COM and LPT ports in the guest and shut it down. Then I edit its settings and remove the ports. Power up the guest and I get the "New Hardware Found" msgs. No matter how I go about deleting the COM/LPT ports, they keep coming back. Funny thing is that they are not listed under the guest's settings. I don't understand how hardware that is not supposed to be presented to a guest can be detected by a guest.


Here's the serial lines from the vmx file:

serial0.present = "false"

serial0.yieldOnMsrRead = "true"

serial0.fileName = "/dev/ttyS0"

serial1.present = "false"

serial1.yieldOnMsrRead = "true"

serial1.fileName = "/dev/ttyS1"


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Figured out a pseudo answer. If I go into the guest's BIOS and disable the COM/LPT ports, then they don't show up in the guest. Easy enough. Just leaves me wondering why we have the apparent ability to modify these settings outside the guest (which modifies the vmx file) if they don't have any real affect.


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