How to shutdown or start up a guest operating system from esx console?

How to shutdown or start up a guest operating system from esx console?


I spend two hours looking for the command to shutdown a virtual guest  operating system from the esx service console command line. I don't have  any idea or response.
Can you help me please?

In case of disaster, I must go to my service console command line, and  shutdown correctly the virtual machine guest operating system, and then  the ESX server.




take a look athe command:   vmware-cmd


ps: Award points if you find answers helpful. Thanks.

Hi, i think you can use your Virtual Infrastructure client. Otherwise you can use vmware-cmd command:

example: --root@esxhost root--# vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes/44ebf538-51cc7998-2525-00145e1b556a/printer/printer.vmx stop trysoft



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