HowTo P2V SCO UnixWare 7.1

HowTo P2V SCO UnixWare 7.1

Following  a little HowTo for P2V a SCO UnixWare 7.1.3 Server


Create a floppy image file with drivers then copy to  your datastore.

1) P2V your UnixWare server with "VMWare Converter Boot CD" or any other way to create a virtual machine. Pay attention at number of CPU

2) Boot your Virtual Machine mounting UnixWare CD1 and floppy images. Use evaluation license, installBLC Drivers, go ahead till "NODE NAME" installation screenshot.

3) press (CTRLALTSPACE) + ESC to access to UnixWare Console

4) Mount CDROM

#mount -F cdfs -r /dev/cdrom1 /cd-rom

5) Load File System Modules

#modreg 4 vxfs

#modadmin -l /cd-rom/.extra.d/etc/conf/mod.d/vxfs

#modreg 4 bfs

#modadim -l /cd-rom/.extra.d/etc/conf/mod.d/bfs

6) Mount partitions

#sh_mount -F vxfs /dev/dsk/c0b0t0d0s1 /mnt


if mount generate an error means that partition is unclean. FSCK with following command, then retry.

#/cd-rom/.extra.d./etc/fs/vxfs/fsck /dev/dsk/c0b0t0d0s1

7) Mount BootFS

#sh_mount -F bfs /dev/dsk/c0b0t0d0sa /mnt/stand

😎 CHROOT /mnt

#chroot /mnt /bin/sh

9) Install BLC Driver for BusLogic

#pkgadd -d /dev/dsk/f0 blc

10) After Driver Installation mark BusLogic as Boot Device

#resmgr -m blc -i0 -p BOOTHBA -v0

11) Update config

#/etc/conf/bin/idconfupdate -f

12) Static Link BLC drivers

#vi /etc/conf/sdevice.d/blc

add "$static" after "$version 2"

13) Kernel Relink

#/etc/conf/bin/idbuild -FB#

14) Copy new Unix Kernel (must be done or the kernel will remain the same)


  • After boot the unix kernel environment  will be automatically updated;


  • On Unisys systems I found psm_share a propietary application without sources, disable it changing "Y" value to "N" in /etc/conf/sdevice.d/psm_share

  • If there are more than one disk, control path in /etc/loadmods.

  • Idbuild put compiled files in default folder (/etc/conf/cf.d/), the /etc/conf/bn/idcpunix should copy the "unix" file to /stand.

You can use "AMD PCNet Driver" to install VMWare NIC

If you consider this document helpful consider to left a comment and a vote!.  Smiley Happy

Massimo "Break" Biagi

Tags (3)

Hey, I will test this on esx5i, but I could not use the ghost or P2V "VMWare Converter Boot CD" because the old initial HBA is mylex and could not be resolved. So I created the recovery disk by "emergency_disk" and created a tape by "emergency_rec", restored it to a vmware machine version 8 via SCSI Passthrough of esx5i .

I'm not happy with the AMD NIC driver, it looks not stable on esx 4.1 or workstation, is there another solution ?

Brilliant!  My UNIX knowledge is limited to say the least but these steps and a few days have seen our old accounts server P2Ved successfully!

Many thanks for posting this. 

I used the Intel E1000 NIC in the end because I also had problems with the AMD driver (pings to machine would be very intermittent for example).

My /tmp directory and another one were mounted to other slices of the disk, and my /dev/dsk/ and /dev/rdsk/ folders didn’t contain the drive devices (c0b0t0d0 etc) for some reason.  In the end I used tar to archive the ones present when booted from the install CD and then extracted them into the correct folders on the disk, which amazingly worked.

Thanks again.

It's working great, I'm restore with CPIO the rest of the slices, but cannot find a e1000 nic drivers that is able to work on 7.0.1 , yes it works on 7.1.4  so know I will test if the hardware passthrough is a real solution. But for taking back en restore I like really the emergency_disk ( created under vmware) and boot from them in an empty vm and select restore, and secondly use the procedure described on top to activated the root HBA.

So I'm comming back with the nic ( if you have a e1000 for 7.0.1, i'll be happy if you help me), and with the informix restore that should be done this evening !

have a nice weekend.


The readme for ptf7133a says it installs on 7.0.1, see

Yes, Thx,

I'll try it again on the esx5i now, but before I tried already on esx 4.1 but was not able to get it running on 7.0.1, I can install it but can not get the nic configured !

In the meantime, informix is restored and running fine !

so I need a working nic and 2 serial ports (I'll try a serial port over tcp) for a captor application and communication.

thx, I'll give you feedback

Hey, I have again the same problem with the NIC's on 7.0.1 , the only workaround I found  was installing the nic with DHCP and use then ifconfig net0 alias to put a Ip- address on the server, this is working otherwise if I put a fixed ip-address the server crashed, so I temporarily solved this by creating a rc2.d script with the real ip-address as alias.

Is there someone with a better solution ( e1000 driver is not working  !), unixware 7.0.1 dus not detect the nic ( unixware 7.1 does !)

thx for feedback.

I still have the same problems, also other people is having the same problem :

is someone able to help me ?


Sjohnnie: I had this same problem. I solved it by installing a separate clean unixware 7.1.3 and copying the /usr/lib/netcfg from the clean install over the one on the machine I did p2v on and then I was able to add the adapter.

Hey lordsigma, Thanks a lot for your reply, I'll try it for sure ( because now it's only working on virtual box), if I can get it working on vmware , this would be nice, but be aware I'm working with 7.0.1 !

Have a nice time and if it works, i'll come back to this.



Hey lordsigma, can you tell me that you copied the /usr/lib/netcfg form a 7.1.3 to a 7.0.1 or was it to a 7.1.3, because it is not working from 7.0.1 to 7.0.1 ?

Are you copying also the drivers ?

thx a lot for your reply ,


Hi, thanks for your post it helped me a lot.I' ve followed the intrutions and everything woks fine except the replacement of boot driver. I've an old Dell with an Unixware 7.1.3 to convert, I use the conversion Cd 303 and it creates the disk with sucess, but even after the replacement of the driver (resmgr...) and installed the blc hba in still appear on sdivconfig an mega driver and the system crash on boot. Is anything more needed? Do I have to do something more? Thanks for any help.

Sergio Peres,

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‎08-24-2009 07:35 AM
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