VMware Cloud Community

NLB cluster looses connectivity

I have 2 2008 servers in a network load balancing cluster (Multicast IGMP) running in vmware ESX 3.5.0 which is connected to a cisco catalyst 4510.

The cluster is always reachable in the same subnet. To make it reachable from different vlans I added the static arp entry and mac address table entries to the switch.

This works at first, but after an ammount of time the cluster ceases to be reachable from different vlans. I list the arp table on the 4510 and the static entry is there.

If I ping the ip of one of the hosts in the cluster then cluster ip becomes reachable again.

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Moved to Virtual Machine and Guest OS forum.

Check out http://www.vmware.com/files/pdf/implmenting_ms_network_load_balancing.pdf

Best regards,
Edward L. Haletky
VMware Communities User Moderator, VMware vExpert 2009
Author of the book 'VMWare ESX Server in the Enterprise: Planning and Securing Virtualization Servers', Copyright 2008 Pearson Education.
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Edward L. Haletky
vExpert XIV: 2009-2023,
VMTN Community Moderator
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