VMware Cloud Community

Snapshot creation task stuck. How to cancel it gracefully


VCB created snapshot on backup but the task never finished (an hour now) none of other tasks can be executed and I can not even stop VM via GUI.

Is there any way to find out why and where it stuck and cancel the task? If that fails what would be the best way to force VM shutdown (I will try to shutdown guest first which seems to be running fine)

Has anyone had a similar problem?

Thank you,


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1 Reply


Check to make sure that hostd and vpxa are not hung or chewing through processor time on the ESX Service console. If they are you should restart them. I had a similar issue and just migrated the VM off to another host.... It cleaned everything up. But I did restart hostd and vpxa first.

Best regards,

Edward L. Haletky

VMware Communities User Moderator


Author of the book 'VMWare ESX Server in the Enterprise: Planning and Securing Virtualization Servers', Copyright 2008 Pearson Education. As well as the Virtualization Wiki at http://www.astroarch.com/wiki/index.php/Virtualization

Edward L. Haletky
vExpert XIV: 2009-2023,
VMTN Community Moderator
vSphere Upgrade Saga: https://www.astroarch.com/blogs
GitHub Repo: https://github.com/Texiwill
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