List of Procedures undergoing Research and Development - Update 20091221

List of Procedures undergoing Research and Development - Update 20091221

Here is the list of Procedures, with 3 letter identifier, being researched and developed in my 3BX blog. The status of each procedure is noted: P-Plans for future; O-Open; C-Completed; S-stopped until a question answered or some other obstacle removed; D-Deprecated


Open - 1



Wikipmedia and WordPress Database Backup with Transfer/Port to a second system

Inception 20091130 / Opened 20091215 / Procedure first complete X / Procedure count X


Completed and Functional - 7


C - BEN (7)

Building External NFS datastore with Ubuntu Server

Inception 20091220 / Opened 20091220 / procedure first complete 20091220 / Procedure count 1

C - MBR (6)

Manual Backup and Restore

Inception 20091203 / Opened 20091203 / procedure first complete 20091203 / Procedure count 1

C - WDW (5)

Wikimedia Drupal WordPress testing platform

Inception 2009 / Opened 20091128 / Procedure first complete 20091130 / Procedure count 1


C - MAP (4)

Mathematica Platform

Inception 20091109 / Opened 20091109 / Procedure first complete 20091112 / Procedure count 1

C - BES (3)

Backup Virtual Machine to External Storage

Opened 20091108 / Procedure first complete 20091109 / Procedure count 1

C - GUI (2)

Graphical Network Simulator on Ubuntu server platform installation

Opened 20091013 / Procedure first complete 20091013 / Procedure count 1

C - UBP (1)

Ubuntu platform build for graphical network simulator GNS

Opened 20091012 / Procedure first complete 20091013 / Procedure count 1



Planned - 4



Create and ESX Resource Pool

Inception 20091217 / Opened X / Procedure first complete X / Procedure count X


Migrate to Resource Pool

Inception 20091217 / Opened X / Procedure first complete X / Procedure count X


Build a VMware platform for Olive to simulate the Juniper Operating System

Inception 20091004 / Opened X / Procedure first complete X / Procedure count X


Reconfigure system to allow Network Interface Trunking

Inception 20091004 / Opened X / Procedure first complete X / Procedure count X


Stopped - 0




Deprecated - 2


O - WIP (2)

Wiki Platform

Inception 2009 / Opened 20091121 / Procedure first complete X / Procedure count X

Notes: This was deprecated in favor of more expansive procedure WDW

D - SES (1)

Snapshot external storage - How do I store snapshots on external storage?

Opened 20091013 / Procedure first complete X / Procedure count 0

Notes: This was deprecated in favor of procedure BES


Completed and Not-Functional - 1


CNF - RES (1)

Restore Virtual Machine from External Storage backup

Inception 20091109 / Opened 20091130 / Procedure first complete X / Procedure count X / CNF 20091221


See RES 1.0 and RES 1.1 for details.

Version history
Revision #:
1 of 1
Last update:
‎11-21-2009 12:34 PM
Updated by: