VMware Workspace ONE Community

Android - Boxer Delayed New Email Notification

OK so I’m reaching out to the other community members to see if anyone has any advice on this since so far support has not been able to provide a good solution. The issue we are running into is Android users are not getting real time alerts when using Boxer. I’m not sure about your experiencing but in my environment users constantly want to compare it to mail client XXXX that they choose to use when we allowed everyone to use Active Sync for mobile email.

We have reached out to support multiple times because the biggest complaint is when the user does not use their phone for an extended period of time and instead leaves it sitting on their desk they don’t get an alert until they pick up and unlock their phone again. While I do understand this is caused by Android built in power management feature “Doze Mode” users complain that their previous mail client would wake up the device.

While management has been fine with explaining how Doze mode works to users and that we can’t change how Android behaves while in that mode we are not getting reports from users having the same issue while actively using the device.

I’m just curious if anyone has come up with a solution to this or at least a way to improve notification response time and functionality since support told us ENS for Android should help to resolve this issue and in our experience it has not. Boxer on iOS with ENS works great I wish it would work the same on Android.

Thanks in advance

Environment: SaaS

ENSv2: Cloud

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5 Replies

Are they running Android 8 or above? https://kb.air-watch.com/hc/en-us/articles/360009691053-New-email-notification-requirements-in-VMwar... As a side note apps can be excluded from doze on the device, in battery settings by the user and apps can prompt to be excluded (Jabber prompts).  You would not expect to get reports of the issue while people are using the device since that means Doze is not running.
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Hey Stephen thanks for the response the user is actually on Android 9.0 but we have also had reports from users on Android 6, 7, 8 and 9 all report this issue. Also we have tested and confirmed that even if you go in and disable Doze Mode/Battery Optimization the issue still happens once the device has sat idle for an hour or more. We recently had a user not get his email alerts until 2 hours after the email actually came in and he was actively using the device so Doze mode was never a factor.

We currently have a case in with support and they are looking at the logs trying to determine why this happened but I just figured I would reach out here as well since we can't be the only AW/WS1 customer who has frustrated Android users. I'm also well aware of the ENS change and we have that enabled but it has made zero difference.
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' ENS2 for Android will require an updated version of VMware Boxer for Android' , from the article looks like we'll need to wait longer until boxer is updated.
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Hey Daniel actually I have been working with support on this and while 5.0 technically supports it there is a bug in it which makes you alter your config to get it to work. Boxer 5.1 resolves the issue so hopefully that will go GA for everyone soon 🙂
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Good to know, thanks! I'm on-premise so I'm awaiting the update.
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