VMware Workspace ONE Community

SEG V2 upgrade questions

I have read in the documents and on these forums that having SEG Classic and SEG V2 side by side is no issue. I am on UEM 9.7. I am currently running SEG Classic and I need to get upgraded to SEG V2. I have a MEM config for my SEG Classic, but I can't for the life of me find where I actually assigned this to any devices. I thought that once upon a time I told my devices, somehow, to use my MEM_dep01 configuration.

The reason I'm asking is... I tinkered with creating a MEM_SEGV2 Email Configuration, and I was setting it up for SEG V2 of course, and when I got to the Profiles tab, i see this blurb:
' Below, you associate existing Exchange ActiveSync (EAS) profiles (one per device type and email client type) to the MEM configuration.'

and then this:
' For deployments involving a single MEM configuration, this is not required.'

So, since I am, in theory, creating multiple MEM configurations, do I actually need to add some Platform/MailCLient/Action associations on this screen? Do I need to preemptively assign my Classic MEM config to all of my devices? How does all of my currently-enrolled devices know that they are using this MEM config that I have in my environment, and if I were to add a SEG V2 MEM config without setting a Platform/Mail Client/Action option, would my devices get confused?

Hopefully this makes sense. I'm happy to explain more.

(Also, there was mention of a Slack Workspace set up for us Airwatch admins to chat in... is that still going?)
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8 Replies

The configs do not need to assign to anything seg classic and v2 can coexist but how it determines what to connect to is the url they cannot be on the same server (and seg v2 needs its own server)
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Thanks Stephen. I do plan on installing these on different servers. In fact, I may just upgrade one of my SEG Classic servers, since I have quite a few (management wanted a TON of redundancy).

If you are saying that the URL determines the version, then how does it work for me to have the same URL? In the docs, it had a set of steps for using the same SEG URL and another set of steps for using a different SEG URL. I want to use the same URL, so I don't have to go reconfigure my mail profiles that get pushed to the devices.
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You do not have to change the policy on the device if you keep the same url you have to do a hard swap though uninstall the old seg and disable worldwide publishing then install the seg v2 even with redundancies likely you will have to turn off the other nodes (not mix v1 and v2) since seg v2 can cluster but seg v1 and seg v2 cluster is unlikely to end well.  Although with your high redundancy you can likely make it short take down a chunk of seg v1's and get them ready with v2 then turn off the other set and enable v2 on the first set then do the other set.  The Url does not determine the version but only one version can exist per url
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Hi Guys. Just going to add on my query as I'm going through the same SEGV2 upgrade situation as well. Running on classic with classic MEM and current exchange profile. Uninstalling classic and installing V2 (not on cluster), will be creating a new V2 MEM pointing to the same mail URL using the same exchange profile to minimize downtime.

Does that mean I don't have to bind any exchange profile in the Profile tab as Paul mentioned ?

Appreciate any advise. Thank you.
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Paul, short question before long answer. Do you use Boxer?

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Our Android users use Boxer, and most iOS users use the default Mail app (but a few use Boxer on iOS).
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This might help. 🙂

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I see it's not 1:1 what you are looking for, but I will share our experience. probably it could bring some ideas.
Our setup was SaaS Airwatch+ ENS Cloud +SEG Classic+IIS (to restrict ActiveSync only from SEG (in order to make use of Boxer mandatory)+ Exchange.
Customer was moving to O365, so at the same time we decided to switch to SEGv2. Due to fact we had 2 separate mail servers we were able to use SEGv2 and Classic (on two different servers) at the same time (which should be possible as well if you have the same mail server, only need to get recommendations from support).
Created MEM config for new SEG, downloaded install and executed it. It took 3-4 time to repeat it, till it started to work as expected 🙂 As we are using exclusively Boxer to access corporate mail, new MEM we assigned in Applications section, under Boxer assignment. Created Smart group for migrated to O365 accounts and as 0 priority was assignment for MEM2 config (SEGv2, for those who are in new SmartGroup) and as 1 priority was old SEG Classic.
From user experience we noticed, it was taking 1-2 hours to establish new connection (within those 1-2 hours, Boxer was asking to enter credentials and wasn't able to validate it, but after it was starting to work without any end user input)

If you have any questions,- feel free to ask.

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