VMware VirtualCenter Server stop and don't start

VMware VirtualCenter Server stop and don't start

VMware VirtualCenter Server stop and don't start.

when I start, I get this error "The VMware virtualCenter Server service on Local Computer started an then stopped. Some services stop automatically if they are not in use by other services or programs".

No software or windows update has been installed

I have seen at vpxd.log these error entries in the log file:

2023-06-06T09:37:52.100+02:00 [04312 error '[SSO][SsoAdminFacadeImpl]'] [RefreshSsoToken] AcquireToken exception: Unexpected SOAP fault: ns0:FailedCheck; request failed.
2023-06-06T09:37:52.100+02:00 [04312 info '[SSO]'] [UserDirectorySso] GetUserInfo NormalizationException: RemoteGetDomainNames RuntimeServiceFault exception: sso.fault.RuntimeServiceFault 
2023-06-06T09:37:52.100+02:00 [04312 error '[SSO]'] [UserDirectorySso] NormalizeUserName AuthException: Authorize Exception 
2023-06-06T09:37:52.100+02:00 [04312 error '[SSO]'] [UserDirectorySso] GetDefaultPrincipal AuthException: Authorize Exception 

 I don't know what to do to solve the problem, any help will be appreciated


@JaimeLE You need to re-post this as a "discussion" in this area: https://communities.vmware.com/t5/vCenter-Server-Discussions/bd-p/2511

Sounds like an old version of vCenter Server if it's deployed on Windows, when you do create a new post you might want to add more information about the vCenter Server version plus the Windows version.


How did you solve this case?

@JaimeLE Could you help me, please?

@aplopes You should create a post in the area I linked to in my previous reply.


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1 of 1
Last update:
‎06-09-2023 07:08 AM
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