VMware Cloud Community

Cant connect to https://vcenter/sdk/vimService

Trying to run Dell's dpack by connecting to our vcenter server.

I add our vcenter URL and after trying to connect I receive:

"Failed to connect with the VMware VCenter Server 'https://vcenter/sdk/vimService' "

Turned off windows firewall, checked the SDK URL (VirtualCenter.VimApiUrl) in vcenter settings.  Not sure what else to check.

Ideas? thanks

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3 Replies

Turns out an intalled Microsoft Update (KB2661254) was the culprit.  This error is related to default SSL certificate installed with ESX 4.0 and prior not meeting 1024 SSL bit requirement that this MS update implements. Default certs are 512-bit in length for at least 4.0 and back. Not sure what default length is for newer versions (1024?)

DPACK uses IE to make the connection on the backend and IE blocks the connection due to 512bit cert.  Anyway removing the KB2661254 fixed the issue.

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Getting the same error. Uninstalled KB2661254 and rebooted vcenter VM but the error remains. Just replying to bump this and see if anyone else has had to employ another solution. I'm going to keep tinkering and see if I can finally get it to connect. If I can, I'll report back here.

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For me running dpack locally on the vcenter server using http worked, but it was suggested to get the most accurate results that we would need to run dpack from our most recent OS version.

And when trying to run dpack from a 2012 server to our vcenter server the fix for removing KB261254 did not help me resolve the issue.

Permanent solution would be to upgrade the SSL cert on vCenter but we were under time pressure and it was suggested to me that although not recommended you could allow key lengths lower than 1024 bits on the server you are running dpack from by running this command certutil -setreg chain\minRSAPubKeyBitLength 512  taken from Microsoft Security Advisory: Update for minimum certificate key length

once finished the collection you can then run certutil -delreg chain\MinRsaPubKeyBitLength to revert back to 1024

this worked for us but I would advise that you read the microsoft article so that you understand the risks.

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