VMware Cloud Community

Change IP of both Vcenter and external PSC

Due to a network redesign, the IP addresses for all my devices need to change. I have 4 esx hosts with a vcenter appliance and external PSC appliance.

What is the process for changing the IP of the vcenter and the external PSCs? I've looked everywhere, but haven't found good info on the correct process.

Thank you,

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Can I first find out what version of vCenter Server you have used?

VMware Knowledge Base

The PNID can be changed with vCenter Server 6.7 Update 3. Changing the Primary Network Identifier (PNID) is not supported in vCenter Server 6.x. The PNID equals the System Name during deployment. What I'm talking about is a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) or an IP address. For example, a system name can be vcenter.corp.local or, which is the PNID. After deployment, the PNID is locked and cannot be changed again. If an IP address is used for the System Name during the initial deployment, the IP address becomes the PNID and cannot be changed. Therefore, it is recommended that an FQDN be used in a way that allows the IP address of the vCenter Server or PSC to be changed in the future, if possible. With vSphere 6.7 Update 3, we will now be able to change the PNID.

vSphere 6.7 Update 3 Yenilikleri

Blog: https://www.tayfundeger.com
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/tayfundeger

vBlogger, vExpert, Cisco Champions

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As long as your PNID is not IP you can change the, ip address  of vcsa/psc nodes.

/usr/lib/vmware-vmafd/bin/vmafd-cli get-pnid --server-name localhost

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the vcenter is 6.5

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Is there a recommended order for the change? Do i have to change the IP of the PSC first? Or change the IP of the vcenter first?

I assumed the PSC first, but wasn't sure.

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If PNID is not IP address you can change the IP using vami_config_net utility:

And start off with PSC.

root@vcsa1 [ / ]# /opt/vmware/share/vami/vami_config_net

Main Menu

0)      Show Current Configuration (scroll with Shift-PgUp/PgDown)

1)      Exit this program

2)      Default Gateway

3)      Hostname

4)      DNS

5)      Proxy Server

6)      IP Address Allocation for eth0

Enter a menu number [0]:

Make sure you verify /etc/hosts file post making changes.

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Thank you. that really helps.

The current PNID is FQDN based on our domain. host.domain.us. is the entire FQDN the PNID or is just the "HOST" portion the PNID?

We need to leave the current domain and join a new domain. will that force the PNID to change to host.newdomain.us?

Can we have the vcenter join a new domain without breaking the PNID?

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It is not recommend to change the domain name of the vCenter server as all the certificates are generated using the FQDN and changing the domain name will break everything.

If you are using the Embedded VC, you have take the VC DB backup deploy new VC and restore the DB to the new VC.

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you can use disable hostname switch and join domain from cli...but for this activity please open a SR with GSS.

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