VMware Cloud Community

Is "Maintenance mode" just broken in ESX 3.5 / VC 2.5?

Is "Maintenance mode" just broken in ESX 3.5 / VC 2.5? i'm getting REALLY odd results. A while back I i was having problems with update manager. I'd run it and it would just sit there. it wouldn't migrate any VM's off the host. I'd put the host in maintenance mode and it would just sit there and do nothing. After i manually migrated things off and patched the servers, vmotion seemed to work better. Today, I put a fully patched host into maintenance mode. I watched it migrate a couple of VMs. a while later I went back and saw that the host says (maintenance mode). I almost powered the thing off. There's still 11 VMs running on the host !!!! No errors ...... Nothing. Did I mention that I almost powered the thing off !!! I'm seriously considering going back to 3.0 at this point.

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1 Reply

WTF !!! *

The left pane on the host showed mainteance mode. The right pane showed about 10 VM's still on the host and powered on. When I double-clicked on a VM, it showed it was on a different host. So, I went back to the the host and refreshed and refreshed and refreshed ..... nothing. I finally exited out of the Virtual Center client and went back in. THEN it showed no VMs on that host. This will be the third or fourth time I've had to re-install the VC client to fix stupid things like this since upgrading VC to 2.5. That's more times than I've had to in the past 4 years using Vmware.

  • = Wow, that's funny.

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