VMware Cloud Community

Unable to start VC service after reinstall

ok guy, here I come with my "unable to start VC service"... after upgrading to ESX 3.5u2, i saw that i need to homogenize (is it english ?) my VC with this and decided to upgrade 2.5u2... well it didn't work like I wanted ! my DB admin asked me to reinstall everything so did I ! and with this we installed VC DB on a brand new SQLserver 2005. And it didn't work. I can't even restart my VC (hopefully all is full backuped but since I have a few time before roll back and since i need to patch VC in U2...).

So here I come with my vpxd.log :

Log for VMware VirtualCenter, pid=1428, version=2.5.0, build=build-104215, option=Release, section=2

Current working directory: C:\WINDOWS\system32

HOSTINFO: Seeing Intel CPU, numCoresPerCPU 2 numThreadsPerCore 1.

HOSTINFO: This machine has 1 physical CPUS, 2 total cores, and 2 logical CPUs.

Log path: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\VMware\VMware VirtualCenter\Logs

Initializing SSL

Using system libcrypto, version 90709F

Vmacore::InitSSL: doVersionCheck = true, handshakeTimeoutUs = 120000000

Starting VMware VirtualCenter 2.5.0 build-104215

Log directory: C:\Documents and Settings\vcadministrator\Local Settings\Application Data\VMware\vpx.

Account name: vcadministrator

Enabled low-frag process heap.

Enabled low-frag crt heap.

34 max LROs

6 reserved internal LROs

6 reserved blocker LROs

6 reserved short LROs

4 reserved long LROs

600-second task lifetime

ODBC error: (28000) - [SQL Native Client][SQL Server]Échec de l'ouverture de session de l'utilisateur ''. L'utilisateur n'est pas associé à une connexion SQL Server approuvée.

Failed to intialize VMware VirtualCenter. Shutting down...

Forcing shutdown of VMware VirtualCenter now


the strange thing about this is that install was good since the totally empty DB was populated. My DBA asked me (well forced me Smiley Happy to use a local account for connection (local to its sql2005 srv), so i'm wondering if it's not here that i have some probs. I saw that the good account is configured in registry (without the "<DBserverName>\" stuff)

any help before i decide to be too rude with my dba will be appreciated Smiley Happy



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2 Replies

Look like more with a SQL issue than a VC issue.

You can look at this


Semble une version francaise alors... en bon Quebecois...

vérifie que tu as bien indiqué que le mode d'authentification est sur Windows ET SQL Server.


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thx for your answer. I'd rather talk in english because i want to be understood by eveybody here, it can help someone one day !

So it was an SQL problem as expected. My DBA certified that we had to install the DB with a non SQL but windows account. Apparently, it's good for installing but not for running the VC service so after creating a new true SQL account just with read/write access on the DB and assigning it to the ODBC connection, it worked !

So my question is answered Smiley Happy


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