VMware Cloud Community

VI Client cannot display all Datacentres in link mode - The vsphere client is not connected to the following Vcentres

Hi there Guys,

Here is a workaround for if some of your VI Client users can't see all your datacentres in link mode view even if its turned on and configured correctly.


We log on to our physical desktops using a normal domain a/c

We then use the Vsphere Client 4 which is installed on our physical desktop and a higher privileged domain a/c to authenticate to the Vcentres and some users were not able to see link mode while others could, the users were using the same build of the vi client and were in the same security groups.


Find your vpxclient.exe on your physical desktop - c:\program files\vmware\infrastructure\....

Right Click on the vpxclient.exe and select 'Run As'

Run this program using your elevated privileged domain a/c.

     e.g domain\userac

The VI Client login window will then appear.

Type in your Vcentre name

Tick the ‘Use windows session credentials’

And press Login

Our environments details:

VCentre version: 4 U1

VDatacentre #: 4 in total spread across two physical datacentres

Client OS: Windows XP SP3

.NET Framework: all incld 3 SP1.

Vi Client version: 4.0.0 build 208111

User a/c: AD Domain a/c, policy is to have a lower level a/c for day to day non-privilege activites and another a/c with higher privileges to logon to managment services.

VC permissions: set using Domain Global Security Groups

If anyone knows why I have to use this workaround and whether there is an actual fix or configuration change I need to make - I'd love to hear from you.

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1 Reply

Are you using the default SSL certificates, or are you generating your own?

If the default, then I've seen problems with linked mode, if you don't originally accept the certificate warning that pops up for each vCenter you are connecting to.

When you select 'Run as', you are using a different profile, and a different certificate trust store.

Just a thought.


vExpert/VCP/VCAP vmwise.com / @vmwise -KjB
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