VMware Cloud Community

VMware Virtual Machine Importer 2: from GSX server to ESX returns GetResult failed: vim.vm.device.VirtualVMIROMOption

I was able to import from the source GSX server to the system running Virtual Center (2.5) and it came across as you'd expect a file copy.

However, when I try to run the same import, targeting the ESX server, I get a cryptic failure. I have pasted the log entries below for your consideration. I believe the key failure is "GetResult failed: vim.vm.device.VirtualVMIROMOption". The credential for both source and target each parse fine, but when the process attempts to create the new VM in the destination ESX server, it fails. Any idea why?

I attached the full log, as well.



import 0% complete.

ParseNTRegistry FOUND: Microsoft Windows Server 2003 root:WINDOWS\ SrvPack:1 SMP:0 64:0 Ver:5.2

object explicitly disposed: fileRegistry={virtVol={computer={1ba0cfa48788b18e88ba32e5148519c560d52b8a},1}},WINDOWS\system32\config\SYSTEM

disposable object being destroyed: fileRegistry={virtVol={computer={1ba0cfa48788b18e88ba32e5148519c560d52b8a},1}},WINDOWS\system32\config\SYSTEM

object explicitly disposed: fileRegistry={virtVol={computer={1ba0cfa48788b18e88ba32e5148519c560d52b8a},1}},WINDOWS\system32\config\SOFTWARE

disposable object being destroyed: fileRegistry={virtVol={computer={1ba0cfa48788b18e88ba32e5148519c560d52b8a},1}},WINDOWS\system32\config\SOFTWARE

Returning OS as winNetEnterpriseGuest

Connecting to host on port 902

Connected to stream:

Unsetting unknown path: /vmomi/

Authenticating user root

Logged in!

datacenter "ha-datacenter" has moid ha-datacenter

computeResource has moid ha-compute-res

Found hostSystem "localhost.localdomain"

Locating the VM folder...

Datacenter name=ha-datacenter moid=ha-datacenter

ComputeResource name=localhost.localdomain moid=ha-compute-res

Datastore moid=4805feed-7bbd9ec0-fae1-001e0b1ec14c

VM Folder name=vm moid=ha-folder-vm

ResourcePool name=Resources moid=ha-root-pool

HostSystem name=localhost.localdomain moid=ha-host

Got vmdb error -14 (Pipe connection has been broken) when invoking on

Error on logout (ignored): vmodl.fault.HostNotReachable

Shutting down VMDB service...

Unregistering callback...


Creating local adapter...

Creating local connection to the co-located slave

GetDisks: disk= GetDisks: disk=

Successfully created target storage layout

Successfully connected to UfaManagedVMCreator

Remapping devices for new managed VM...

Connecting to host on port 902

Connected to stream:

Unsetting unknown path: /vmomi/

Authenticating user root

Logged in!

GetResult failed: vim.vm.device.VirtualVMIROMOption

0 Kudos
2 Replies

The following link describes what VirtualVMIROMOption is:

I don't know what the error means but a possible workaround would be to try to import the machine using VMware Converter instead.

Message was edited by: appk

0 Kudos

Try going to this site and download the latest converter

Hope that helped. Smiley Happy

Hope that helped. 🙂
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