VMware Cloud Community

Vcenter not sorting properly

When I try to sort the VMs listed in a datacenter, I sort them by VM hardware version.

There are times when the sorting information is incorrect.

It lists the hardware as being Version 4 but it is really 7.

If I select the VM and pull up the summary, it shows the correct information.

If I export the list to a CSV file it reports incorrect also.

Using Echoshell reports the information correctly.

Thank you

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1 Reply

exporting information out, will only show the inventory view of vCenter, if the inventory view is incorrect, so will be your spreadsheet.  However, I think it can be easily resolved by restarting you vCenter Server Service, or by restarting the management agents of the ESX(i) Hosts.  PowerCLI (vEcoShell) will use API's which will have the correct information.

I would start by restarting the management agents on the ESX(i) Hosts first

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