VMware Cloud Community

Virtual Center over WAN

Hi everybody,

I'm looking for documentation about network traffic between Virtual Center Server and hosts.

I would need to monitor an ESX host connected to a VC server through a WAN connection at 512 Kbps.

What do you think about this ?

Thank you in advance.

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4 Replies

I don't have any numbers in hand, but believe it shouldn't be a problem bandwidth-wise.

If you have to high latency though, you can increase time-out thresholds to avoid time-out errors when connecting to remote ESX hosts (vaguely remember reading about this somewhere on VMTN)

Having said that, a dedicated VC at a remote site (accessed over the WAN from any locations) would do better.



I am working on doing the same thing, but am having some difficulties. We have an ESX host (v3.0.1) at our remote BC site that I would like to manage with our local VirtaulCenter (v2.0.1). We finally have all the correct ports open in the firewall (NAT) and are able to connect and mange the host.

The problem is that generally within 2 minutes the host becomes disconnected. I think we have pretty much ruled out a firewall issue as we have opened up all TCP/IP communication going both ways and that doesn't make a difference.

The connection is a VPN over the internet with plenty of bandwidth.

I have attached a related VirtualCenter log file staring with the connect to the host (10:50am) and going through when the host disconnects (10:51am).

The host name is "esx01" with an IP address of 172.xxx.yyy.101.

Anyone have any details on the "time-out thresholds" that raadek mentions? I have done some searching looking for this but without any luck at this point. Any other thoughts or ideas would be apprecitated.


================================== Rod Gabriel Wisconsin VMUG Leader VMware vExpert - 2009-18 Twitter: @ThatFridgeGuy & @WIVMUG http://wivmug.org
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512kbps link with how much available? It's doubtless already partially saturated with other services so you might want to check the circuit and see how much is still free.

Bandwidth requirements between a VirtualCenter Management Server and managed ESX/VMwareServer hosts: 80-100 Kbps per host

Bandwidth requirements between a Virtual Infrastructure Client and the VirtualCenter Management Server: 1 Mbps.

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Where did you find this information? I've been looking all over VMware's site for this... I'd like to have an official document I can reference in my architecture.


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