VMware Cloud Community

VirtualCenter 2.5U3 - Clone fails with failed to connect to host


I am tryng to clone a win2003 VM but I am gett the error "failed to connect to host". I have not modifed any hosts or anything and I have done this in the past without issue but for some reason it won't let me clone the VM now... Any thoughts ? Could it be a HA or DRS setting or something like that?


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1 Reply


Take a look at this link

The first solution in the artice was not what you want to try first.

Take a look at post 3.

<cut post 3>

What I did was the following:

- assured the DNS stuff was setup correctly

- removed the host fom the vc server

- removed the vpxa.cfg on the host (acctually renamed it)

- rejoined the host to the vc server (this got me a new vpxa.cfg generated with the correct IP)

</cut post 3>

Same error but it's not when cloning it's a template issue: http://communities.vmware.com/thread/121153

Hope this will give you some tips or a solution 😃


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