VMware Cloud Community

Virtualized vCenter Server stops responding

Here is my setup:

  • 2 Hosts Cluster running ESX 3.5 U3

  • 1 Virtualized vCenter Server running under Windows 2003 R2

  • 1 VM running on each hosts (Windows 2003 R2 File Servers)

If I login to the vCenter server through VI Client 2.5 U2 and use the Scan for Updates / Remediate ... functions I can update my two ESX hosts and my 2 Win2K3 File Servers without any problems but if I try Scan for Updates on the VM that hosts my vCenter server ... it starts scanning and then everything stops (the VM seems to hang ... I loose my communication to it ... cannot ping it ....), I then lanuch the VI client connecting directly to the Host that hosts that vCenter VM, I cannot even open a console (gives an error about /usr/lib ......). I cannot stop it or reset it ... the only way to get it back up is to reboot the ESX host itself ....

Anyone else saw that issue ?

Thanks in advance..

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