VMware Cloud Community

vCenter update Rest API is failling with 500 constantly

We are trying to patch our vCenter using from 7.0.3-800 to 7.0.3-1400 build. We are constantly facing isssue with list update API. Here is the API details : 

API: /rest/appliance/update/pending?source_type=LOCAL_AND_ONLINE&=

Response error:


      "type": "com.vmware.vapi.std.errors.error",

      "value": {

            "messages": [


                        "args": [],

                        "default_message": "List operation failed, please try again",

                        "id": "com.vmware.appliance.update.list.failed"






Usually it works but on once vCenter it is failing constantly, I tried to look into logs of vCenter at /var/log/vmware but vapi logs shows that API is called and even 500 response code is printed but not able to figure out what is wrong there. All services seems to be up and working. Tried to restarted vCenter itself but still results in failure only.

Can anyone help as what might be causing this failure. 

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1 Reply

We are facing the same problem without seeing any reason for. Does noone has an idea 😞

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