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vCenter Plugin: UI cannot connect to service

Dear all.

I am developping a vCenter plugin by using vSphere Web Client SDK. But when we click a button in the screen, it suspend for a while, then an error popup is showed (faultCode:Server.Processing faultString:'org.eclipse.gemini.blueprint.service.ServiceUnavailableException : service matching filter=[(objectClass=com.service.ISettingService)] unavailable' ).

The log contains:

The following exception occurred during request processing by the BlazeDS MessageBroker and will be serialized back to the client:  flex.messaging.MessageException: org.eclipse.gemini.blueprint.service.ServiceUnavailableException : service matching filter=[(objectClass=com..service.ISettingService)] unavailable 

Caused by: org.eclipse.gemini.blueprint.service.ServiceUnavailableException: service matching filter=[(objectClass=com.service.ISettingService)] unavailable

Timer-0                       com.vmware.vise.util.debug.SystemUsageMonitor                     
 Heap     : init = 268435456(262144K) used = 559635432(546518K) committed = 778502144(760256K) max = 778502144(760256K)
 non-Heap : init = 12746752(12448K) used = 88618784(86541K) committed = 88735744(86656K) max = 301989888(294912K)
 No of loaded classes : 20720
 Live Thread Count : 4
 Peak Thread Count : 184
 Daemon Thread Count : 97

Do you know what is the problem?

Timer-0                       com.vmware.vise.util.debug.SystemUsageMonitor                     
 Heap     : init = 268435456(262144K) used = 559635432(546518K) committed = 778502144(760256K) max = 778502144(760256K)
 non-Heap : init = 12746752(12448K) used = 88618784(86541K) committed = 88735744(86656K) max = 301989888(294912K)
 No of loaded classes : 20720
 Live Thread Count : 4
 Peak Thread Count : 184
 Daemon Thread Count : 97 
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1 Reply
VMware Employee
VMware Employee


It seems that the BlazeDS message broker cannot redirect to an implementation of com.service.ISettingService. Can you provide more info on the project:

- What SDK version are you using?

- How many bundles do you jhave - most importantly where the interface com.service.ISettingService?

- Where it's implementation is declared?

- Where is the bean declaration for the implementation located?

- Do you have the a osgi:service declared that exposes the bean and what interfaces are exposed?

- Where is the osgi:reference for a service implementing com.service.ISettingService defined?

The vsphere_client_virgo.log should also feature a stack trace for the exception - can you clean-up the sensitive parts and post this as well?



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